http://www.newdu.com 2024/11/23 02:11:55 历史之家 佚名 参加讨论
堀口正雄1901年出生于日本东京都。1937年起到中国东北参加侵华战争,曾先后任日本新京宪兵队敦化宪兵分队队长,锦州宪兵队中佐队长等职。 重要罪行有: 1937年8月,将1名被俘抗日联军爱国分子“押到敦化县城西侧炮台山高地,命令部下宪兵军曹用日本刀进行砍头惨酷行为”。 1938年末—1939年8月,将逮捕的爱国者8名进行拷问审讯后,其中“3名以特殊输送(特委处分)哈尔滨第731部队”。 1939年6月,手下宪兵队的刑讯拷打致1名中国人死亡,“命令利用夜间把尸体送到山中埋上了”。 1939年8月,部下在抓捕中枪击致1名中国人死亡,命令“利用黑夜把尸体投弃于牡丹江河中”。 1942年8月—1943年8月,共逮捕抗日人员约80名,其中“经宪兵司令官的批准指令送哈尔滨第731部队约20名”。 重要罪行(Major offences): August 1937:had a captured anti-Japanese patriot of the Anti-Japanese United Army“escorted to the highland on Paotaishanto the west of Dunhua County,and then ordered the subordinate sergeant of military police to cruelly behead that person with Japanese sword”; From the end of 1938 to August 1939:after interrogating with torture the 8 captured Chinese patriots,“sent 3 of them in special transfer(special punishment)to Unit 731 in Harbin”; June 1939:after a Chinese was tortured to death while being interrogated by the subordinate military police,“ordered them to bury the body in the mountains at night”; August 1939:the subordinates shot a Chinese to death during an arrest,ordered them“to throw the body into Mudanjiang River at night”; From August 1942 to August 1943:arrested a total of 80 anti-Japanese people,“with the permission and instruction of the commander of the military police,20 of them were sent to Unit 731 in Harbin”. (责任编辑:admin) |