http://www.newdu.com 2024/11/24 02:11:50 《经济社会史评论》2015年 朱孝远 参加讨论
①Reinhard Bendix,Kings or People:Power and the Mandate to Rule,Berkeley-Los Angeles:University of California Press,1978,p.249. ②Perry Anderson,Lineages of the Absolutist State,London:NLB,1974,pp.18-40. ③Dietrich Gerhard,Old Europe:A Study in Continuity,1000-1800,New York:Academic Press,1981,pp.102-103. ④Max Steinmetz,"Theses on the Early Bourgeis Revolution in Germany,1476-1535",in Bob[i.e.,Robert W.]Scribner and Gerhard Benecke,eds.,The German Peasant War of 1525-New Viewpoints,London:George Auen & Unwin,1979,p.9. ⑤Peter Blickle,"The 'Peasant War' as the Revolution of the Common Man",in Bob Scribner and Gerhard Benecke,eds.,The German Peasant War of 1525-New Viewpoints,London:George Allen & Unwin,1979,p.19. ⑥Thomas A.Brady Jr.,German Histories in the Age of Reformations,1400-1650,Cambridge,New York:Cambridge University Press,2009,p.56. ⑦"The Reformation of the Emperor Sigismund(c.1438)",in Gerald Strauss,ed.,Manifestations of Discontent in Germany on the Eve of the Reformation,Bloomington:Indiana University Press,1985,pp.8-9. ⑧周施廷:《信仰与生活16世纪德国纽伦堡的改革》,北京:北京大学出版社,2015年,第226页。转引自马丁·路德:《路德选集》(上册),徐庆誉译,香港:基督教文艺出版社,2004年,第209页。 ⑨Der Spiegel des Sünders,Augsburg,1470,in Steven E.Ozment,The Reformation in the Cities:The Appeal of Protestantism to Sixteenth-century Germany and Switzerland,New Haven and London:Yale University Press,1975,pp.24-25. ⑩Der Spiegel des Sunders,Augsburg,1470,in Steven E.Ozment,The Reformation in the Cities,New Haven and London:Yale University Press,1975,pp.24-25. (责任编辑:admin) |
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