陈德正 胡其柱:19世纪来华传教士对西方古典学的引介和传播
http://www.newdu.com 2024/11/24 02:11:07 中国世界史研究网 陈德正 胡其柱 参加讨论
摘要:19世纪,来华传教士为了改变中国人对西方的偏见,积极引介有关古希腊-罗马的古典学知识。他们借助期刊、报纸、考察报告和史学论著,向晚清中国描述了一个足以与中华文明相媲美的古典世界。这个世界不但文治昌明、战功显赫,而且代代相传、长盛不衰,是近世欧洲文明的源头之一。来华传教士对于西方古典学的译介和传播,在一定程度上瓦解了晚清中国士大夫的自大心理,推动他们走上了了解和学习西方的道路。 关键词:西方古典学;传教士;晚清 Introduction and Dissemination of the Western Classics by Missionaries in China in the Early 19th Century Abstract:In the 19th century, the missionaries in China introduced the Classics of ancient Greece and Rome actively in order to remove the Chinese prejudice against the West. They had described a classical world which was comparable with the Chinese civilization through journals, newspapers,investigation reports and historical writings. The classical world, which maintained long-term prosperity, governed well and made remarkable military achievements. It acted as one of the cultural resources of the modern European civilization. To some extent, the introduction and dissemination of the western Classics by the missionaries had broken down the arrogance of the scholar-officials in the late Qing Dynasty and promoted them to learn about the West. Key words:Western Classics, Missionaries, Late Qing Dynasty 西方古典学(Classics)是指有关古希腊-罗马文学、艺术、哲学、历史、科技乃至建筑、雕塑、音乐、绘画、舞蹈、陶器等方面的知识与学问。[1]在中世纪欧洲,这些知识和学问一度销声匿迹,直至文艺复兴来临才又重新受到推崇,并为西方现代文明的诞生提供了主要源泉。不仅如此,随着欧洲崛起及其在全球的扩张,这些知识和学问还被传教士传播至世界各地,促成了东西方文化之间的碰撞与融合。自19世纪初开始,诸多来华新教传教士为了达到“曲线传教”的目的,不断借助期刊、报纸、考察报告和史学著作,向中国士大夫引介西方古典学知识,以图改变西洋在中国士大夫心目中的“蛮夷”形象,进而激发他们对基督教的兴致和重视。本文以晚清来华传教士的译介著作为线索,考察西方古典学是以何种形式被引入晚清中国的,古希腊罗马在这些知识中又是作为什么形象而出现的。[2] (责任编辑:admin) |