http://www.newdu.com 2024/11/24 02:11:29 《吉首大学学报:社会科 卢成仁(浙江财经大 参加讨论
内容摘要: 社会结合传统理论主要以血缘、地缘、业缘、趣缘作为社会结合的主要纽带,费孝通先生的差序格局理论则是以有亲至无亲个体间的差序作为社会结合的基础。相对忽略并较少讨论非血缘、有差异的个体问社会结合的过程和脉络。云南怒江娃底傈僳人“伴”的地方概念和行为是处理家人之外非血缘的朋友、熟人与陌生人之间的一个行动准则,对其展开的研究能为我们提供一种有异于社会结合传统理论和差序格局系统的非血缘、有差异个体间社会结合的行动框架。 Abstract: Traditional social association theory takes lineage, territorial bond, professional tie, and interest bond as the main content of the social combination; and the differentiation order, from the individual's blood kinship to distant relatives and non-relatives, forms the foundation of social association, the process of social association of those individuals with non-blood and differential relations being little discussed. The local concept of "ban" is a fuzzy spatial framework for the Lisu people to deal with those of non-family members, including non-blood friends, acquaintances and strangers. This paper, by investigating and illustrating the local concept of "ban",analyzes and presents the process of social association of those individuals with non-blood relation and differentials. Also, it provides data different from traditional social association theory and differential pattern for discussion, conversation and supplementation. 关键词:僳僳人;“伴”;个体;社会结合; 中图分类号:C912.82 (责任编辑:admin) |