http://www.newdu.com 2024/11/24 02:11:40 《云南师范大学学报:哲 邢莉 (中央民族大 参加讨论
内容摘要: 我们把蒙古族氏族社会绵延至今的敖包祭祀仪式视为一种“社会文本”,世代传承的敖包祭祀仪式折射了蒙古牧人建立的素朴的萨满教的自然观,这种尊重自然、爱护草原的理念即人与自然和谐的思维模式,是敖包祭祀存在的合理文化内核,从这个意义上说,遥远的敖包祭祀为从现代人类学范式研究生态美学提供了思考。 Abstract: The paper regards the Aobao sacrificial ceremony inherited from the Mongolian clan socie- ty as a kind of "social text" because it reflects the Shamanic concept of nature established by the Mon- golian herdsmen. This concept embodies a respect for nature and grassland, in other words, a think- ing mode of harmonious relation between man and nature, which is the cultural core of the Aobao sac- rificial ceremony. In this sense, the Aohao sacrificial ceremony has much significance to the study of eco-aesthetics from the perspective of modern anthropology. 关键词:蒙古族;敖包祭祀;生态功能;文化价值; 中图分类号:K892.312 (责任编辑:admin) |
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