【65】《重修肃州新志》,《柳沟卫·山川》,第562页。 【66】乾隆《重修肃州新志》,《柳沟卫·诗》,第581页。 【67】阎文儒:《敦煌史地杂考》,《文物》,1951年第5期,第96-126页。 【68】《丝绸之路资料汇钞(清代部分)》,第16页。 【69】陈庆诚、周光裕:《甘肃疏勒河中下游的植被概况》,(北京)科学出版社,l957年,第74页。 【70】程弘毅:《河西地区历史时期沙漠化研究》,兰州大学2007年博士论文,第195页。 【71】[瑞典]斯文·赫定,徐十周等译:《亚洲腹地探险八年》,(乌鲁木齐)新疆人民出版社,l997年,第704页。 【72】中华民国水利部河西水利勘测总队:《疏勒河流域灌溉工程规划书》,甘肃省图书馆藏民国三十六年油印本,第11-12页。 (作者单位:清华大学历史系北京100084) 原载《中国历史地理论丛》2010.4 Research on the Shule River's Water System Evolution in Historical Peoriods and Related Issues Zhang Jingping (Department of History, Tsinghua University, Beijing,100084 ) Abstract:Shule River is a major river in Hexi Corridor. Some researches on this river's water sys- tem evolution in history have been done from different perspectives by senior academics. However, there is still great room for improvement in the level of detail and methods of these researches. This paper, based on fully exploiting the local literature and using abundant travel notes, archaeological materials as well as natural science research findings, gives a comprehensive discussion on water dis- tribution and evolution of Shule River basin in different historical periods, revises a number of obvious errors which have been widely spread and proposes own views on some involved ancient placenames. Key words: the Shule River; historical periods; water system evolution (责任编辑:admin)