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    ①Laura K.McClure,ed.,Sexuality and Gender in the Classical World,Oxford:Blackwell Publishers,2002,p.6;利奇德:《古希腊风化史》,杜之、常鸣译,沈阳:辽宁教育出版社,2000年。
    ②Ann Oakley,Sex,Gender and Society,London:Maurice Temple Smith Ltd.,1972.
    ③Gayle Rubin,"The Traffic in Women:Notes on the 'Political Economy' of Sex," in Rayna Reiter,ed.,Toward an Anthropology of Women,New York:Monthly Review Press,1975;该论文的中译本可参见王政、杜芳琴主编:《社会性别研究选译》,北京:三联书店,1998年,第21-81页。
    ⑥Sarah B.Pomeroy,Goddesses,Whores,Wives and Slaves:Women in Classical Antiquity,New York:Schocken Books,1975.
    ⑦Sue Blundell,Women in Ancient Greece,Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1995,pp.98-112.
    ⑧Marilyn B.Skinner,Sexuality in Greek and Roman Culture,Malden,Oxford and Carlton:Blackwell Publishing,2005,pp.1-3.
    ⑨Kenneth James Dover,"Classsical Greek Attitudes to Sexual Behaviour," Arethusa,vol.6,no.1(Spring 1973),pp.59-73; Laura K.McClure,ed.,Sexuality and Gender in the Classical World,pp.19-33.
    ⑩Kenneth James Dover,Greek Homosexuality,Cambridge:Harvard University press,1978.
    (12)Kenneth James Dover,Greek Homosexuality,pp.100-109; Marilyn B.Skinner,Sexuality in Greek and Roman Culture,p.7.
    (14)Eva Cantarella,Bisexuality in the Ancient World,Second Edition,New Haven and London:Yale University Press,1992,Preface xv-xviii.
    (15)David M.Halperin,One Hundred Years of Homosexuality and Other Essays on Greek Love,New York:Routledge,1990.
    (17)Andrew Lear,"Ancient Pederasty:An Introduction," in Thomas K.Hubbard,ed.,A Companion to Greek and Roman Sexuality,Malden,Oxford and Chichester:Wiley Blackwell,2014,p.102.
    (18)Robert Flacelière,Love in Ancient Greece,New York:Macfadden-Bartell Corporation,1964,p.43.
    (19)Andrew Lear,"Ancient Pederasty:An Introduction," pp.102-127.
    (20)Andrew Lear,"Was Pederasty Problematized? A Diachronic View," in Mark Masterson,Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz and James Robson,eds.,Sex in Antiquity:Exploring Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World,London and New York:Routledge,2015,pp.115-136.
    (21)Judith M.Barringer,The Hunter in Ancient Greece,Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,2001.
    (22)Craig A.Williams,Roman Homosexuality:Ideologies of Masculinity in Classical Antiquity,Second Edition,New York:Oxford University Press,2010.
    (23)Bernadette J.Brooten,Love Between Women:Early Christian Responses to Female Homoeroticism,Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1996.
    (24)Nancy Sorkin Rahinowitz and Lisa Auanger,eds.,Among Women:From the Homosocial to the Homoerotic in the Ancient World,Austin:University of Texas Press,2002.
    (27)Marilyn B.Skinner,Sexuality in Greek and Roman Culture,pp.14-15.
    (28)David Cohen,Law,Sexuality and Society:The Enforcement of Morals in Classical Athens,New York:Cambridge University Press,1991.
    (29)Martha C.Nussbaum and Juha Sihvola,eds.,The Sleep of Reason:Erotic Experience and Sexual Ethics in Ancient Greece and Rome,Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,2002.
    (30)Carole Pateman,The Sexual Contract,Stanford:Stanford University Press,1988.
    (31)Thomas A.J.McGinn,Prostitution,Sexuality,and the Law in Ancient Rome,New York:Oxford University Press,2003.
    (32)Thomas A.J.McGinn,The Economy of Prostitution in the Roman World,Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,2004.
    (33)Debra Hamel,Trying Neaira:The True Story of a Courtesan's Scandalous Life in Ancient Greece,New Haven and London:Yale University Press,2003.
    (34)Christopher A.Faraone and Laura K.McClure,eds.,Prostitutes and Courtesans in the Ancient World,Madison:The University of Wisconsin Press,2006.
    (35)Page duBois,Sowing the Body:Psychoanalysis and Ancient Representations of Women,Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1988.
    (36)Peter Brown,The Body and Society:Men,Women,and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity,New York:Columbia University Press,2008.
    (37)Hans van Wees,"A Brief History of Tears:Gender Differentiation in Archaic Greece," in Lin Foxhall and John Salmon,eds.,When Men Were Men:Masculinity,Power and Identity in Classical Antiquity,London and New York:Routledge,1998,pp.10-53.
    (38)Lin Foxhall and John Salmon,eds.,Thinking Men:Masculinity and Its Self-Representation in the Classical Tradition,London and New York:Routledge,1998.
    (39)Robin Osborne,"Sculpted Men of Athens:Masculinity and Power in the Tield of Vision," in Lin Foxhall and John Salmon,eds.,Thinking Men:Masculinity and Its Self-Representation in the Classical Tradition,pp.23-42.
    (40)Mark Masterson,"Studies of Ancient Masculinity," in Thomas K.Hubbard,ed.,A Companion to Greek and Roman Sexuality,pp.17-30.
    (43)Mark Golden and Peter Toohey,eds.,Sex and Difference in Ancient Greece and Rome,Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press,2003,p.7.
    (45)Mark Golden and Peter Toohey,eds.,Sex and Difference in Ancient Greece and Rome,p.8.
    (46)David M.Halperin,John J.Winkler and Froma I.Zeitlin,eds.,Before Sexuality:The Construction of Erotic Experience in the Ancient Greek World,Princeton:Princeton University Press,1990,p.3.
    (47)John J.Winkler,The Constraints of Desire:The Anthropology of Sex and Gender in Ancient Greece,London and New York:Routledge,1990.
    (48)Mark Golden and Peter Toohey,eds.,Sex and Difference in Ancient Greece and Rome,p.11.
    (49)Lin Foxhall,"Pandora Unbound:A Feminist Critique of Foucault's History of Sexuality," in Mark Golden and Peter Toohey,eds.,Sex and Difference in Ancient Greece and Rome,pp.167-182.
    (50)Amy Richlin,"Zeus and Metis:Foucault,Feminism,Classics," Helios,vol.18,no.2(Autumn 1991),pp.168-171.
    (51)Mark Golden and Peter Toohey,eds.,Sex and Difference in Ancient Greece and Rome,pp.10-11.
    (52)Amy Richlin,The Garden of Priapus:Sexuality and Aggression in Roman Humor,Revised Edition,New York:Oxford University Press,1992,p.xviii.
    (53)Eva C.Keuls,The Reign of the Phallus:Sexual Politics in Ancient Athens,New York:Harper & Row,1985.
    (54)Judith P.Hallett and Marilyn B.Skinner,eds.,Roman Sexuality,Princeton:Princeton University Press,1997,p.11.
    (55)Judith P.Hallett and Marilyn B.Skinner,eds.,Roman Sexuality,pp.11-25.
    (56)Judith P.Hallett and Marilyn B.Skinner,eds.,Roman Sexuality,p.20.
    (57)Marilyn B.Skinner,"Feminist Theory," in Thomas K.Hubbard,ed.,A Companion to Greek and Roman Sexuality,p.1.
    (60)Marilyn B.Skinner,"Feminist Theory," p.5.
    (61)Marilyn B.Skinner,Sexuality in Greek and Roman Culture,p.8.
    (62)Marilyn B.Skinner,"Feminist Theory," p.6.
       (本文刊于《历史研究》2017年第3期) (责任编辑:admin)