http://www.newdu.com 2024/11/24 11:11:17 《世界历史评论》2017年第 洪庆明 崔梅霞 参加讨论
注释: ①Marc Bloch,Les caractères originaux de l'histoire rurale,Paris:Librairie Armand Colin,1956; Ernest Labrousse,La crise de l'economie francaise a la fin de l'ancien regime et au debut de la revolution,Paris:Presses universitaries de France,1944; Fernand Braude & Ernest Labrousse,Histoire économique et sociale de la France,4 Tomes,Presses universitaries de France,1970-1982. ②Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,Vol.1,London,1794(edition),pp.26-27. ③Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,p.176. ④Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,p.140. ⑤Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and1789,pp.160-161. ⑥Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,p.170. ⑦高毅:《法兰西风格:大革命的政治文化》,浙江人民出版社,1991年,第223-252页。 ⑧伊波利特·泰纳:《现代法国的起源:旧制度》,黄艳红译,吉林出版集团有限责任公司,2014年,第386页。 ⑨Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,p.164. ⑩伊波利特·泰纳:《现代法国的起源:旧制度》,黄艳红译,第387页。 (11)Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,p.175. (12)Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,pp.180-181. (13)伊波利特·泰纳:《现代法国的起源:旧制度》,黄艳红译,第63、66页。 (14)Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,pp.122-123. (15)Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,pp.160-161. (16)Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,p.119. (17)Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,p.101. (18)Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,p.106. (19)Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,pp.159-160. (20)西方学界对这方面的研究和描述很多,有关路易十四传记和路易十四时代的著述,多提及凡尔赛宫廷的表演文化,尤其是20世纪晚期的社会文化史和日常生活史研究,更是侧重于这方面。可参洪庆明:《路易十四的文化控制策略》,载《史林》,2011年第6期。 (21)Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,pp.92-93. (22)Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,p.290. (23)Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,p.290. (24)Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,p.57 (25)Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,p.291. (26)Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,p.291. (27)Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,p.291. (28)Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,pp.83-84. (29)Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,p.54. (30)Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,pp.160-161. (31)Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,p.145. (32)Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,p.170. (33)Arthur Young,Travels during the Years 1787,1788,and 1789,pp.125-126. (34)托克维尔:《旧制度与大革命》,冯棠译,商务印书馆,2012年,第118页。 (责任编辑:admin) |
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