http://www.newdu.com 2025/01/10 10:01:13 《史学集刊》2020年第3期 石海龙 张忠祥 参加讨论
注释: [1]阿贾伊的代表性著作有:J.F.Ade Ajayi, Yoruba Warfare in the Nineteenth Century, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1964; J.F.Ade Ajayi and Ian Espie, eds., AThousand Years of West AfricanHistory: A Handbook for Teachers and Students, Ibadan:Ibadan University Press, 1965; J.F.Ade Ajayi, AduBoahen and Michael Tidy, Topics in WestAfrican History, London: Longman, 1966; J.F.AdeAjayi and Bashir Ikara, Evolution of PoliticalCulture in Nigeria: Proceedings of aNational Seminar Organized by theKaduna State Council for Artsand Culture, Ibadan: Ibadan University Press, 1985; J.F.Ade Ajayi and Michael Crowder,eds., History of West Africa, London: Longman, 1985; J.F.Ade Ajayi, General History of Africa,VI,Africa in the Nineteenth Century until the 1880s, United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1990; J.F.Ade Ajayi, People and Empires in African History: Essays in Memory ofMichael Crowder, London: Longman, 1992;J.F.Ade Ajayi and OkonUya, Slavery and Slave Trade inNigeria: From Earliest Times to the Nineteenth Century, Ibadan: Safari Books, 2010. [2]Toyin Falola, ed., African Historiography,Essays in Honour of Jacob Ade Ajayi,Harlow:Longman House, 1993,p.vi. [3]代表性的论文有:吴秉真:《杜波依斯和他的非洲史学著作》,《西亚非洲》,1985年第3期;李安山:《论伊巴丹历史学派——其形成、发展及批判》,《世界史研究动态》,1990年第3期;舒运国:《国外非洲史研究动态述评》,《上海师范大学学报》(哲社版),2015年第6期;张忠祥:《口头传说在非洲史研究中的地位和作用》,《史学理论研究》,2015年第2期;刘鸿武、王严:《非洲实现复兴必须重建自己的历史——论B.A.奥戈特的非洲史学研究与史学理念》,《史学理论研究》,2015年第4期;李鹏涛:《特伦斯·兰杰及其非洲史研究》,《史学理论研究》,2016年第3期;刘伟才:《赞比亚政教关系的历史透视——基于殖民当局与传教会通信的考察》,《史学集刊》,2017年第1期。 [4]舒运国:《非洲史研究入门》,北京大学出版社2012年版,第66-68页。 [5]Toyin Falola,ed.,African Historiography, Essays in Honour of Jacob Ade Ajayi,Harlow:Longman House, 1993, pp.ix-xxxii. [6]Yakubuand Patrick,“Conversation with J.F.Ade Ajayi”,Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol.2, No.1 (2000),pp.266-281. [7]Toyin Falola, ed.,African Historiography, Essays in Honour of Jacob Ade Ajayi,p.1. [8]J.F.A.Ajayi,Christian Missions in Nigeria, 1841—1891, The Making ofa New Elite, London:Longman, 1965, pp.x-xi. [9]李安山:《论伊巴丹历史学派——其形成、发展及批判》,《世界史研究动态》,1990年第3期,第43页。 [10]Toyin Falola, ed.,Traditionand Change in Africa:The Essays of J.F.Ade.Ajayi, Asmara: Africa World Press,2000. [11]张忠祥:《阿杜·博亨与非洲史研究》,《上海师范大学学报》(哲社版),2019年第3期。 [12]A.Adu Boahen, African Perspectives on Colonialism,Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987, pp.94-112. [13]Toyin Falola, ed.,Traditionand Change in Africa,The Essays of J.F.Ade Ajayi,Trenton: Africa World Press, 2000, p.174. [14] [加纳]A.阿杜·博亨主编,中国对外翻译出版公司译:《非洲通史》第七卷,中国对外翻译出版公司1991年版,第651-652页。 [15]张宏明:《近代非洲思想经纬》,社会科学文献出版社2008年版,第267页。 [16]J.F.Ade Ajayi, “On being an Africanist,”in Toyin Falola, ed.,Tradition and Change in Africa:The Essays of J.F.Ade Ajayi, pp.459-461. [17]李安山:《论黑非洲历史的非殖民化》,北京大学亚非研究所编:《亚非研究》,北京大学出版社1994年版,第71-72页。 [18]J.F.Ade Ajayi, Christian Missions in Nigeria,1841—1891: The Making of a New Elite, pp.xiii-xiv. [19]J.F.Ade Ajayi, Christian Missions in Nigeria,1841—1891: The Making of a New Elite, p.xiii. [20] [尼日利亚]J.F.阿德·阿贾伊主编,中国对外翻译出版公司译:《非洲通史》第六卷,中国对外翻译出版公司1998年版,第588页。 [21]Toyin Falola, ed.,Tradition and Change in Africa:The Essays of J.F.Ade Ajayi, p.73. [22]J.F.Ade Ajayi, Christian Missions in Nigeria,1841—1891: The Making of a New Elite, p.159. [23]J.F.Ade Ajayi and OkonUya, Slavery and Slave Trade in Nigeria:From Earliest Times to the Nineteenth Century, pp.125-176. [24]J.F.Ade Ajayi and Okon Uya, Slavery and Slave Trade in Nigeria:From Earliest Times to the Nineteenth Century, pp.331-367. [25]J.F.阿德·阿贾伊主编:《非洲通史》第六卷,第591页。 [26]J.F.Ade Ajayi and E.J.Alago,“Black Africa:The Historions' Perspective,”Daedalus,Vol.103, No.2 (1974).pp.125-134. [27]Toyin Falola, ed.,Tradition and Change in Africa:The Essays of J.F.Ade Ajayi, p.38. [28]Denoon,DonaldandKuper,Adam, “Nationalist Historians in Search of a Nation: The ‘New Historiography’in Dar es Salaam,”African Affairs,Vol.69,No.277(1970).pp.329-349. [29] [英]J.D.费奇著,于珺译:《西非简史》,上海人民出版社1977年版。 [30]J.F.Ade Ajayi and Michael Crowder,eds., History of West Africa,p.49. [31]J.F.Ade Ajayi and Michael Crowder,eds., History of West Africa,p.323. [32]J.F.Ade Ajayi and Michael Crowder, eds.,History of West Africa,pp.323-371. [33]J.F.Ade Ajayi and Okon Uya, Slavery and Slave Trade in Nigeria:From Earliest Times to the Nineteenth Century, Ibadan: Safari Books, 2010, pp.221-263. [34]J.F.Ade Ajayi and BashirIkara, Evolution of Political Culture in Nigeria: Proceedings of a National Seminar Organized by the Kaduna StateCouncil for Arts and Culture, Ibadan: Ibadan University Press, 1985, pp.173-177. [35]J.F.Ade Ajayi and Bashir Ikara, Evolution of Political Culture in Nigeria:Proceedings of a National Seminar Organized by the Kaduna State Council for Artsand Culture, pp.173-177. [36]J.F.Ade Ajayi and Bashir Ikara, Evolution of Political Culturein Nigeria:Proceedings of a National Seminar Organized by the Kaduna State Council for Artsand Culture, pp.121-133. [37]J.F.阿德·阿贾伊主编:《非洲通史》第六卷,第2页。 [38]K.Onwuka Dike, Tradeand Politics in the Niger Delta, 1830—1885,Oxford:Oxford University Press,1966, p.1. [39]J.F.阿德·阿贾伊主编:《非洲通史》第六卷,第579-580页。 [40]J.F.阿德·阿贾伊主编:《非洲通史》第六卷,第580页。 [41]J.F.Ade Ajayi, “Higher Education in Nigeria,”African Affairs,Vol.74, No.297(Oct.1975), pp.420-426. [42]J.F.Ade Ajayi, A Thousand Years of West African History:A Handbook for Teachers and Students, Ibadan: Ibadan University Press, 1965, pp.232-254. (责任编辑:admin) |