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    ③Eric Patridge,Origins:A Short Etymological Dictionary of Modern English,Fouth edition,London and New York:Routledge,1966,p.1448; Jennifer Speake,ed.,Encyclopaedia of the Renaissance,London:B.T.Bastford Ltd,1988,p.216.
    ④Francesco Petrarca,"A Self-Portrait," in Ernst Cassirer,Paul Oskar Kristeller and John Herman Randall,Jr.eds,The Renaissance Philosophy of Man,Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1948,pp 34-35.
    ⑦Francesco Petrarca,"A Reqest to Take up the Fight against Averroes," p.143.
    ⑧Frederick M.Schweitzer,ec.,Dictionary of the Renaissance,New York:Philosophical Library Inc.,1967,pp.233-234.
    ⑨Josephine L.Burroghs,"Introduction to Marsilio Ficino," in Ernst Cassirer,Paul Oskar Kristeller and John Herman Randall,Jr.eds,The Renaissance Philosophy of Man,Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1948,p.187.
    ⑩Clayton J.Dress,ed.,The Late Medieval Age of Crisis and Renewal,1300-1500,London:Greenwood Press,2001,pp.161-162.
    (11)Paul Oskar Kristeller,"Introduction to Giovanni Pico," in Ernst Cassirer,Paul Oskar Kristeller and John Herman Randall,Jr.eds,The Renaissance Philosophy of Man,Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1948,p.221.
    (13)John M.McManamon,S.J.,Pierpaolo Vergerio The Elder:The Humanist as Orator,Tempe:Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies,1996,p.26.
    (15)John M.McManamon,Pierpaolo Vergerio The Elder:The Humanist as Orator,p.97.
    (16)David Robey,"P.P.Vergerio the Elder:Republicanism and Civic Values in the Work of an Early Humanist," Past and Present,No.58(Feb.1973),p.31.
    (17)John M.McManamon,Pierpaolo Vergerio The Elder and Saint Jerome,Tempe:Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies,1999,pp.100-101.
    (19)Jennifer Speake,ed.,Encyclopaedia of the Renaissance,London:B.T.Bastford Ltd,1988,pp.405-406.
    (20)国外关于瓦拉的新近研究,参见Brian P.Copenhaver,"Valla Our Contemporary:Philosophy and Philology," Journal of the History of Ideas,vol.66,No.4(Oct.2005),pp.507-525; Giovanna Cifoletti,"From Valla to Viete:Rhetorical Reform of Logic and Its Use in Early Modern Algebra," Early Science and Medicine,vol.11,No.4,2006,pp.390-423; David M.Whitford,"The Papal Antichrist:Martin Luther and the Underappreciated Influence of Lorenzo Valla",Renaissance Quarterly,vol.61,No.1(Spr.2008),pp.26-52.国内关于瓦拉的研究,参见吕大年:《瓦拉和“君士坦丁赠礼”》,《国外文学》2002年第4期;米辰峰:《劳伦佐·瓦拉的生平与思想》,《史学月刊》2004年第8期;米辰峰:《瓦拉批驳〈君士坦丁赠礼〉的学术得失》,《史学月刊》2006年第3期。
    (21)Christopher B.Coleman,The Treatise of Lorenzo Valla on the Donation of Constantine,New Haven:Yale University Press,1922,p.22.
    (23)Charles Edward Trinkaus,Jr.,"Introduction to Lorenzo Valla," in Ernst Cassirer,Paul Oskar Kristeller,and John Herman Randall,Jr.eds,The Renaissance Philosophy of Man,Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1948,pp.147-148.
    (24)E.B.Fryde,Humanism and Renaissance Historiography,Bodmin:The Hambledon Press,1983,p.16.
    (25)Jennifer Speake,ed.,Encyclopaedia of the Renaissance,London:B T.Bastford Ltd,1988,p.311.
    (26)Frederick M.Schweitzer,ed.,Dictionary of the Renaissance,New York:Philosophical Library Inc.,1967,p.451.
    (27)Reginald Pecock,The Repressor of Over Much Blaming of the Clergy,vol.2,London,1860,pp.358-366; John Lewis,The Life of the Learned and Reverened Reginold Pecock,London,1744,pp.114-118.
    (28)Joseph M.Levine,"Reginald Pecock and Lorenzo Valla on the Donation of Constantine," Studies in Renaissance,vol.20,1973,pp.132-133.
    (29)Caesare,Baronio,Annales Eclesiastici,Tomus Tertius,Antverplae:Wx Officina Plantiniana,1624,p.275.
    (30)F.Zinkeisin,"The Donation of Constantine as Applied by the Roman Church," The English Historical Review,vol.9,No.36(Oct.1894),p.632.
    (31)Michael Wilks,The Problem of Sovereignty in the Later Middle Ages,Cambridge at the University Press,1963,p.544; Joseph R.Strayer,ed.,Dictionary of the Middle Ages,vol.2,New York:Charles Scribner's Sons,1983,p.1.
    (32)Frederick M.Schweitzer,ed.,Dictionary of the Renaissance,p.601; Richard K.Emmerson,ed.,Key Figures in Medieval Europe:An Encyclopedia,New York and London:Routledge,2006,pp 479-480.
    (33)E.B.Fryde,Humanismand Renaissance Historiography,Bodmin:The Hambledon Press,1983,p.4.
    (34)E.B.Fryde,Humanismand Renaissance Historiography,p.15.
    (35)Victoria Kirkham and Armando Maggi,eds,Petrarch:A Critical Guide to the Complete Works,p.104.
    (36)Victoria Kirkham and Armando Maggi,eds,Petrarch:A Critical Guide to the Complete Works,p.105.
    (37)Victoria Kirkham and Armando Maggi,eds,Petrarch:A Critical Guide to the Complete Works,p.156.
    (38)Wiltshire Stanton Austin and John Ralph,The Lives of the Poets-Laureate,London,1853,pp.10-11.
    (42)Denys Hay,Annalists and Historians:Western Historiography from the Eighth to the Eighteenth Centuries,London:Methuen & CO.,ltd,1977,p.153.
    (43)D.G.Larg,"Jakob Fredrich Bielfeld and the 'Progres Des Allemans'," The Modern Language Review,vol.15,No.1(Jan.1920),pp.90-94.
    (44)Baron Bielfeld,The Elements of Universal Erudition,vol.1,trans.by W.Hooper,Dublin,1771,pp.5-6.
    (45)Baron Bielfeld,The Elements of Universal Erudition,vol.3,trans.by W.Hooper,Dublin,1771,p.2.
    (47)Edward A.Freeman,The Methods of Historical Study,London:Macmillan and Co.,1886,p.49.
    (48)Edward A.Freeman,The Methods of Historical Study,pp.43-44.
    (49)Edward A.Freeman,The Methods of Historical Study,pp.49-50.
    (50)Edgar B.Graves,ed.,A Bibliography of English History to 1485,Oxford:Oxford at the Clarendon Press,1975,p.V,"Preface".
    (51)见Charles Gross,The Sources and Literature of English History from the Earliest Times to about 1485,Second edition,London and New York:Longmans,Green,and Co.,1915.
    (52)Anon.,"Historical Bibliography," The Catholic Historical Review,vol.1,No.3(Oct 1915),p.359.
    (53)Anon.,"Part I:The Auxciliary Sciences.Ⅱ.Chronology," The Catholic Historical Review,vol.2,No.2(Jul.1916),p.240.
    (54)参见Edgar B.Graves,ed,A Bibliography of English History to 1485.
    (55)参见Massimo Mastrogregori,ed,International Bibliography of Historical Science,vol.LXXXV,Berlin and New York:Walter de Gruyter GmbH and Co.,2011.
       (本文刊于《外国问题研究》2016年第4期) (责任编辑:admin)