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    关键词:二里冈文化  殷墟文化  青铜器  范型技术
    KEYWORDS:Erligang Culture  Yinxu Culture  Bronzes  Mold-making Technology
    ABSTRACT:This paper discussed two aspects of the development of the mold-making technology from the Erligang Culture to Yinxu Culture Periods. The first, the large amounts of molds and models and the features of the bronzes of the Yinxu Period all reflected the technological trend of the increasing complexity of section-mold divisions, which was to meet the demand of developing decorative designs on the surface of the bronzes. The second, in the Yinxu Period, the technology of core mold making solved the problem of casting hollow legs in Erligang Period, and the technological progresses brought about the typological changes. Both aspects of the technological developments occurred around the Erligang and Yinxu Cultures and became important technological background of the bronze culture in Yinxu Period.
    作者:张昌平  刘煜  岳占伟  何毓灵