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    《传统、条约和贸易:清帝国主义和朝鲜,1850-1910年》(Traditions, Treaties, and Trade: Qing Imperialism and Chosŏn Korea,1850–1910),作者:KIRK W. LARSEN,坎布里奇(马萨诸塞):哈佛东亚中心,2008年。xi+328页。精装本定价:39.95美元。
    在《传统、条约和贸易》一书中,Kirk Larsen寻求重新解释十九世纪下半叶清朝在朝鲜的政策。他反对视清政权在朝鲜固守朝贡制度的这一权威观点。相反,Larsen描述了清朝官员创造性地利用欧洲的非正式帝国(informal empire)和不平等条约,坚守清朝的权力并推动中国在朝鲜半岛的商业利益。尽管Larsen也承认他不是最早认为清朝是帝国主义的学者,但本书对此的诠释比以前的著述远为系统,叙述也更加有条理、清楚。
    本书的核心,是对袁世凯1882-1894年间在朝鲜期间的细致分析。Larsen 着力探讨了袁世凯等清朝官员努力推进许多政府支持的中国经济事业,包括电报线路、中朝之间的商轮营运,以及向朝鲜政府贷款。这可能是本书给人印象最深的章节,其中,Larsen论证了清朝官员鼓励中国商人积极进入朝鲜市场,在那里他们很快就成为了这一新生国际贸易的最重要的参与者。Larsen发现,甚至在中日战争中清朝军队彻底失败之后,中国商人继续起着重要的作用,清朝外交官依然尽力保护他们。只是1905年后,日本政府拥有了特权并果断地改变了殖民地政府的看法,中国商人的活动才逐渐停止。
    尽管这段历史期间的外交方面概况在Kim Key-huin,Louis Sigel等人的著述中多少可以看得到,但Larsen书中有许多新的东西。首先,如同近期一些学者一样,他倾向于不再强调中国中心的朝贡制度观念(通常是与费正清有联系)作为中国人理解与外部世界关系的唯一框架。他利用了近来关于清政权处理边疆地区问题的学术成果(引述了濮德培[Peter Perdue]
    、河罗娜[Laura Hostetler]、邓津华[Emma Teng]、米华健[James Millward]等人),重新考虑模糊不清的中朝关系:朝鲜承认清朝的宗主国地位;而清朝在1882年之前,没有过干涉朝鲜的政治。Larsen指出,从1882年开始的清朝在朝鲜的行动主义(activism),是与清朝日益加强政治解决包括新疆和西藏在内的边疆地区的一些事务同时发生的。
    Larsen 最具创新性的贡献是,他对于清朝利用欧洲的“非正式帝国”许多作法——治外法权、固定关税、借款、外国介入海关以及强调推进商业——的探讨。这一努力寻求限制日本政治影响的扩张,看来没有奇怪之处,但Larsen表明了其中也有着重要的经济利益。从英国十九世纪帝国主义扩张的研究中获得了启发,Larsen认为,许多的新情况不是源于北京的总理衙门,甚至也不是李鸿章的天津北洋总部,而是出自于积极进取的袁世凯等“当事人”(men on the spot)。这些建议得到了表面上“保守”的清流党行动主义分子(activists)的支持,而这些人则是尖锐批评李鸿章。对于那些严守教科书里的清朝对外政策在这一时期处于被动这种认识的人来说,这本书会使他们大开眼界。
    《传统、条约和贸易》也有其不足。应该更多地关注影响清朝政策的意识形态框架。Larsen 认为,清流党人的态度和“商战”的想法,影响着清朝对朝鲜的政策,这种看法也值得进行更多的分析。我也希望本书更多地论述朝鲜对于清朝种种努力的看法。而那些要找到对这一时期中日关系深入讨论,或日本卷入朝鲜事务的读者,就要看其他的著述了。当然,没有任何一项研究可以囊括一切。总之,这是一本重要而令人兴奋之作,值得更多的人阅读。
                 RICHARD S. HOROWITZ
    California State University, Northridge
    以上书评译自《亚洲研究杂志》第68卷第1期,2009年2月。(Journal of Asian Studies68,no.1(Feb. 2009):270-71.)另,该书是《哈佛东亚研究丛书》第295种(Harvard East Asian Monographs 295)。
    Conventions and Abbreviations ix
    Introduction 1
    1 Pre-Nineteenth-Century Sino-Korean Relations 23
    2 Nineteenth-Century Challenges and Changes 43
    3 Treaties and Troops: Bringing Multilateral Imperialism to Korea 72
    4 Soldiers, Diplomats, and Merchants: Establishing a Qing Presence in Korea 95
    5 The Residency of Yuan Shikai 128
    6 Suzerainty, Sovereignty, and Ritual 164
    7 Yuan Shikai and “Commercial Warfare” in Korea 197
    8 Defending Multilateral Privilege at Suzerainty’s End: The Sino-Japanese War and Its Aftermath 231
    9 Endings, Echoes, and Legacies 272
    Reference Matter
    Works Cited 297
    Index 319
    Conventions and Abbreviations
    Chinese terms are romanized according to the pinyin system; Korean, the McCune-Reischauer system; Japanese, the Hepburn system. The dates of primary source documents are listed according to date indicated in the document; this usually means using the lunar calendar and the reign title of
    the polity in which the document was written. For example GX 5.1.18 indicates the eighteenth day of the first month of the fifth year of the reign of the Qing Guangxu Emperor (r. 1875–1907). An asterisk (*) after the month indicates an intercalary month. The Western (solar) calendar equivalent is
    also listed. These dates were derived via the Academia Sinica’s on-line generator
    Abbreviations Used in Notes
    For complete publication information, see the Works Cited, pp. 297–318.
    ACDM                      Il-keun Park, ed., Anglo-American and Chinese Diplomatic Materials Relating to Korea
    British Consular Reports       British Foreign Office, Diplomatic and Consular Reports on Trade and Finance, 1884–1910
    British Documents            Ian Nish, ed., “Korea, the Ryukyu Islands, and North-East Asia, 1875–1888”
    Ch’ŏngan                    Koryŏ taehakkyo, ed., Ku-Han’guk oegyo munsŏ:
    CC                         Ch’ŏlchong (r. 1849–64)
    CS                          Kuksa p’yonch’an wiwŏnhoe, ed., Ch’ŏlchong sillok. Unless otherwise indicated, all references are to the Classical Chinese original (wŏnmun).
    CSR                             “Korean Customs Service Reports,” in China, Imperial Maritime Customs, Returns of Trade and Trade Reports. Year cited is that in the title of the report, not the year the report was published.
    Diangao                          Li Hongzhang, Li wenzhong gong quanshu, Diangao
    GX                              Guangxu era (1875–1907)
    Haegwanan                        Koryŏ taehakkyo, ed., Ku-Han’guk oegyo kwan’gye
    pusok munsŏ: Haegwanan
    JDZH                            Zhang Cunwu, ed., Jindai Zhong-Han guanxishi ziliao huibian
    JSSL                             Gugong bowuyuan, ed., Qing Guangxu chao
    Zhong-Ri jiaoshe shiliao
    KAR                              Spencer J. Palmer, ed., Korean-American Relations:
    Documents Pertaining to the Far Eastern Diplomacy of
    the United States. Vol. 1: The Initial Period, 1883
    1886. Vol. 2: The Period of Growing Influence, 1887
    KJ                                Kojong (r. 1864–1907)
    KM                               Kwangmu era (1897–1907)
    KS                                Kuksa p’yŏnch’an wiwŏnhoe, ed., Kojong sillok.
    Unless otherwise indicated, all references are to
    the Classical Chinese original (wŏnmun).
    NGB                               Nihon gaikō bunsho
    SS                                 Kuksa p’yonch’an wiwŏnhoe, ed., Sunjong sillok.
    Unless otherwise indicated, all references are to
    the Classical Chinese original (wŏnmun).
    Togan                              Koryŏ taehakkyo, ed., Ku-Han’guk oegyo munsŏ:
    Treaties, Regulations, etc.              China, Imperial Maritime Customs, Treaties,
    Regulations, etc., Between Corea and Other Powers.
    TSIS                               Kim Kyŏng-t’ae, ed., T’ongsang hwich’an: Han’guk
    TZ                                 Tongzhi era (1862–74)
    WJSL                               Wang Liang and Wang Yanwei, eds., Qingji waijiao
    YH                                  Yunghŭi era (1907–10)
    YHWN                               Korean Customs Service, Yunghŭi wŏnnyŏn
    Han’guk oeguk muyŏk yollam
    YSHG                               Li Hongzhang, Li wenzhong gong quanshu: Yishu
    ZRHGX                             Academia Sinica, Institute of Modern History,ed., Qingji Zhong-Ri-Han guanxi shiliao