希腊女祭司长袍:千年神韵 生生不息
http://www.newdu.com 2025/02/03 05:02:26 博客中国 艾杏佛 参加讨论
3月30日,备受关注的北京奥运会圣火交接仪式在希腊泛雅典体育场举行。曾参加过圣火采集仪式的祭司团队也将参加了交接仪式,优雅的女祭司在中、希两国国歌奏过之后入场,在圣坛周围列队。 女祭司的优雅举止令人过目难忘,她们身上的祭司袍也被很多人所喜欢。 实际上,女祭司们穿的是一种束腰长袍,它是古希腊人的一种传统服装。通常情况下,长及膝盖的为男性穿着,而完整长度的为女性穿着。穿着这样的服装时,人们通常会一条很长的带子束在身上,可以束于胸下(叫做“高束”)也可以束于腰间(叫做“低束”),有的时候也会两种束法同时使用。 在奥运圣火采集仪式上,女祭司所穿的白色长裙是根据考古发掘出的雕塑和壁画创作出来的。这种麻纱布料现在在希腊只有一家专门的研究所生产,它的纺织密度与古希腊没有区别,穿在身上有厚坠感,不但素雅而且非常舒适。 2008北京奥运会圣火采集次仪式上的祭司服装,曾被2000年悉尼奥运会和2004年雅典奥运会圣火采集仪式的演员穿过,在这次仪式后也许还会被下届奥运圣火采集仪式继续使用。 中国一位服装时尚界的专家在接受采访时曾表示,在古希腊,祭司的上身是不穿衣服的。现在女祭司服装的上身在胸围处有走线,突出了胸部,这也是对古代习俗的一种延续。 Olympic robes mirror Greek traditions (ATHENS, March 29) -- On March 30, the final day of the Greek portion of the Beijing 2008 Torch Relay will start from the Acropolis and end with the handover ceremony to take place at Panathenaikon Stadium. According to reports, the priests and priestesses on hand at the torch lighting ceremony will be present at the handover ceremony on Sunday. In Ancient Olympia, on March 24, onlookers where presented with a beautiful torch lighting ceremony complete with a High Priestess and her entourage. The actors and actresses were dressed in graceful robes that attracted the attention of all the fans in the audience. The gowns are copies of traditional outfits worn by Greeks during ancient times. Men wore knee-length robes, while women wore gowns that reached all the way to the ground. Typically, when wearing these robes, one long piece of cloth would be used to bind either the chest or the waist of the body; sometimes both the chest and the waist would be bound. During the lighting ceremony, the style of the gowns the priestesses wore were copied from old sculptures and pictures painted on walls. Only one factory in all of Greece produces the high-quality fabric used for these gowns, which are exact replicas of the cloth used in ancient Greece. The outfits worn for the torch lighting ceremony for the 2008 Olympic Games have been worn before during the 2000 Sydney Olympics and the 2004 Athens Games. They will continue to be used for Olympic ceremonies in the future. (责任编辑:admin) |