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①Robert Boutrouche,"Marc Bloch vu par ses élèves," in Mémorial des années 1939-1945,Paris:Belles Lettres,1947,pp.195—207.
    ②Marc Bloch,Feudal Society,New York,London:Routledge & Kegan Paul,1961.
    ③Marc Bloch,Les caracteres orignaux de l'histoire rurale Francaise,Oslo:Instituttet for Sammelingnende ulturforsning,1931.
    ④Marc Bloch,Rois et serfs,Paris:Librairie ancienne Honoré Champion,1920,p.73.
    ⑤Marc Bloch,Les caracteres orignaux de l'histoire rurale Francaise,chapters 1 and 2.
    ⑥Marc Bloch,The Historian's Craft,New York:Alfred A.Knopf,1953,p.84.
    ⑦Louis Halphen,L'histoire en France depuis cent ans,Paris:Librairie Armand Colin,1914,chapters 6 and 7.
    ⑧Alan Bullock,"The Historian's Purpose:History and Metahistory," in The Philosophy of History in Our Time,An Anthology Selected and Edited by Hans Meyerhoff,New York:Doubleday,1959,pp.292—299.
    ⑨引自:Henri Berr,"About Our Program," in Fritz Stern ed.,The Varieties of History,from Voltaire to the present,New York:Meridian Books,1956,pp.250—255.
    ⑩Charles Victor Langlois,Introduction aux études historiques,Paris:Hachette,1909.
    (11)Marc Bloch,The Historian's Craft,p.4; Rois et serfs,Paris:Librairie ancienne Honoré Champion,1920,p.14.
    (12)Robert Boutrouche,"Marc Bloch vu par ses élèves," in Mémorial des années 1939—1945,p.196.
    (13)Marc Bloch,Esquisse d'une histoire monetaire de l'Europe,Paris:A Colin,1954,p.27.
    (14)Marc Bloch,The Historian's Craft,pp.86—87.
    (17)同(14);Rois et serfs,"Pieces Justifatives," p.207.
    (19)Marc Bloch,The Historian’s Craft,pp.86—87.
    (24)Friedrich Meinecke,"Values and Causalities in History," in Fritz Richard Stern ed.,The Varieties of History,from Voltaire to the present,p.268.
    (25)Marc Bloch,The Historian's Craft,chapter 3.
    (26)R G.Collingwood,The Idea of History,New York:Oxford University Press,1956,pp.185—187.
    (27)Marc Bloch,The Historian's Craft,pp 129—138.
    (28)Morton White,"Can History Be Objective?" in Hans Meyerhoff,ed.,The Philosophy of History in Our Time,New York:Doubleday,1959,p.194.
    (29)Raymon Aron,"Relativism in History," in Hans Meyerhoff,ed.,The Philosophy of History in Our Time,p.158.
    (30)Marc Bloch,"Une nouvelle histoire universelle:H.G.Wells historien," La revue de Paris,1922,t,Ⅱ,p.864.
    (31)Henri Berr(1863-1954),法国哲学家,《历史综合评论》杂志创办人。——译注。
    (32)Henri Berr,"About Our Program," in Fritz Stern ed,The Varieties of History,from Voltaire to the present,pp.250—255.
    (33)Lucien Febvre,"Marc Bloch et Strausbourg.Souvenirs d'une grande histoire",in Mémorial des années 1939-1945,p.176.
