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    官士刚 王峰
    聊城大学历史文化与旅游学院 马来西亚新纪元大学学院
    摘 要:在内蒙古中南部白泥窑文化各区域类型中发现的火种炉,是白泥窑文化陶器群中最具特征性的器物之一。白泥窑文化三个区域类型的火种炉虽然具有明显的共性因素,但因分布地域的不同也表现出装饰风格和数量上的差异。因其绝不见于前行文化遗存,所以要寻找其渊源,就不能不着眼于分布在晋南地区包含火种器这一文化因素的考古学文化。通过器形演变和年代分析表明,白泥窑文化的火种炉是由仰韶文化东庄类型的火种器发展而来,并形成了自身的特色。由火种炉表现出来的考古学文化之间的承接和借鉴关系,充分说明了仰韶文化对内蒙古中南部地区的影响。
    Abstract: The spark furnace found in various region types of Bainiyao Culture in the Central and Southern Inner Mongolia is one of the most characteristic artifacts in the pottery group of Bainiyao Culture. Although the spark furnaces of the three regional types of Bainiyao Culture have obvious common factors, they also show differences in decoration style and quantity due to different distribution regions. Since it can never be found in the relics of forward culture, in order to find its origin, we have to focus on the archaeological culture which contains the cultural factor of spark in the south of Shanxi Province. The shape evolution and chronological analysis show that the spark furnace of Bainiyao Culture is developed from the spark device of Dongzhuang Type of Yangshao Culture, and has formed its own characteristics. The relationship between archaeological culture and reference shown by the spark furnace fully illustrates the influence of Yangshao Culture on the central and southern part of Inner Mongolia.
    Key Words: Bainiyao Culture; Spark furnace; Spark Pot; Tinder Container; Yangshao Culture
