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    ②“周”作为一个时间单位的设立,有生物学基础,适合人类的自然状态。Anthony F.Aveni,Empires of Time:Calendars,Clocks,and Cultures,New York:Basic Books,1989,pp.100-106; F.H.Colson,The Week:An Essay on the Origin & Development of the Seven-Day Cycle,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1926; Eviatar Zerubavel,"The Language of Time:Toward a Semiotics of Temporality," The Sociological Quarterly,Vol.28,no.3,1987,pp.349-352.
    ③例如,把一天分为24小时也是到近代以后才成为全球共享的时间标准。日本人传统上将白天从日出到日落分为6个小时,这样一来,夏季一小时的长度要比冬季一小时长得多(参见Carlo M。 Cipolla, Clocks and Culture:1300-1700,New York,London:W.W.Norton & Company,1978,pp.94-95)。中国人从汉代起就把一昼夜分为12个等分,每一等分为一个时辰,一个时辰就相当于现在的两个小时(参见刘乃和:《中国历史上的纪年》,北京:海豚出版社,2012年,第9-12页)。一昼夜24小时是根据西方的计时标准,但西方人在中世纪早期,昼夜各均分12小时,那时的一小时时间也长短不一。等时的“小时”在机械钟出现以后才逐渐成为惯例,到中世纪末,西欧大部分地区采用一天均分为24个小时的方法(参见Paul Glennie and Nigel Thrift,Shaping the Day:A History of Timekeeping in England and Wales 1300-1800,Oxford:Oxford University Press,2009,pp.25-40)。可见,“小时”完全是人为划分的结果。
    ④详细的研究可见Anthony F.Aveni,Empires of Time:Calendars,Clocks,and Cultures,pp.185-322; G.J.Whitrow,Time in History:View of Time from Prehistory to the Present Day,Oxford & New York:Oxford University Press,1989.
    ⑤见E.E.埃文思-普里查德:《努尔人——对一个尼罗特人群生活方式和政治制度的描述》(修订译本),褚建芳译,北京:商务印书馆,2014年,第113-126页;A.Irving Hallowell,"Temporal Orientation in Western Civilization and in a Pre-literate Society," American Anthropologist,New Series,vol.39,no.4,Part 1(Oct.-Dec.,1937),pp.647-670.
    ⑥A.Irving Hallowell,"Temporal Orientation in Western Civilization and in a Preliterate Society," p.647.
    ⑧古巴比伦人已发明“分”这种时间单位,但在很长时期里,“分”在实际生活中的用处不大。14、15世纪,机械钟被发明,但那时的时钟也没有分针。钟表上装配分针直到16世纪才常见。家庭用的时钟一般不安装分针,伦敦最早出现安装时针和分针的家庭用钟是在1658年。(Carlo M.Cipolla,Clocks and Culture,1300-1700,p.50; Paul Glennie and Nigel Thrift,Shaping the Day:A History of Timekeeping in England and Wales 1300-1800,p.12)大概除了铁路、车站等地方以外,在19世纪人们的日常生活中,一根时针就足以划分一天的时间了。但是,到20世纪初,很多人不仅在乎“分”,而且也注意“秒”。在赛马场上,甚至使用了半秒、五分之一秒这种时间单位。(Paul Glennie and Nigel Thrift,Shaping the Day:A History of Timekeeping in England and Wales 1300-1800,p.271; Hannah Gay,"Clock Synchrony,Time Distribution and Electrical Time-keeping in Britain 1880-1925," Past & Present,no.181(November 2003),p.117)
    ⑨Raija Julkunen,"A Contribution to the Categories of Social Time and the Economy of Time," Acta Sociologica,vol.20,no.1,1977,pp.5-8.
    ⑩参见Pitirim A.Sorokin and Robert K.Merton,"Social Time:A Methodological and Functional Analysis," The American Journal of Sociology,vol.42,no.5(March 1937),pp.615-629; J.David Lewis and Anndrew J.Weigert,"The Structures and Meanings of Social Time,"Social Forces,vol.60,no.2,Special Issue(Dec.1981),pp.432-462; Nancy D.Munn,"The Cultural Anthropology of Time:A Critical Essay," Annual Review of Anthropology,vol.21,1992,pp.93-123; Nigel Thrift,"Time and Theory in Human Geography:Part I," Progress in Human Geography,vol.1,no.1,1977,pp.83-95.
    (11)Eviatar Zerubavel,"The Standardization of Time:A Sociohistorical Perspective," American Journal of Sociology,vol.88,no.1(Jul.1982),pp.1-4.
    (12)Ian R.Bartky,One Time Fits All:The Campaigns for Global Uniformity,Stanford,California:Stanford University Press,2007,pp.10-11,14.
    (13)Ian R.Bartky,One Time Fits All:The Campaigns for Global Uniformity,p.23.
    (14)Derek Howse,Greenwich Time and the Discovery of the Longitude,Oxford:Oxford University Press,1980,p.105; Wolfgang Schivelbusch,"Railroad Space and Railroad Time," New German Critique,no.14(Spring,1978),pp.31-40.
    (15)Ian R.Bartky,One Time Fits All:The Campaigns for Global Uniformity,p.37.
    (16)见International Conference Held at Washington for the Purpose of Fixing a Prime Meridian and a Universal Day.October,1884.Protocols of the Proceedings,Washington,D.C.:Gibson bros.,1884,p.7.
    (18)见Clark Blaise,Time Lord:Sir Sandford Fleming and the Creation of Standard Time,London:Weidenfeld & Nieolson,2000,p.39; Nigel Thrift,"Time and Theory in Human Geography:Part I," p.87.
    (19)Clark Blaise,Time Lord:Sir Sandford Fleming and the Creation of Standard Time,p.99.
    (20)1840年,美国客运列车的平均时速为15-20英里,到1864年,快车的平均时速提高到32英里,普通列车时速为26英里。到20世纪20、30年代,平均时速大约45英里。这种速度跟今天的高铁速度当然没法比,但与过去的相比,这是前所未有的高速度了。Carlene Stephen,"'The Most Reliable Time':William Bond,the New England Railroads,and Time Awareness in 19th-Century America," Technology and Culture,vol.30,no.1(Jan.1989),pp.22-23; W.F.Cottrell,"Of Time and the Railroader," American Sociological Review,vol.4,no.2(Apr.1939),pp.193-194.
    (21)Ian R.Bartky,One Time Fits All:The Campaigns for Global Uniformity,p.128.
    (22)Ian R.Bartky,One Time Fits All:The Campaigns for Global Uniformity,p.123.
    (23)见桑德福·弗莱明在1884年10月14日华盛顿国际大会上的发言。International Conference Held at Washington for the Purpose of Fixing a Prime Meridian and a Universal Day,October,1884.Protocols of the Proceedings,pp.117-119.
    (24)Alexander Philip,The Reformation of the Calendar,London:Kegan Paul,1914,pp.108-111.
    (26)Robert Poole,"'Give Us Our Eleven Days!':Calendar Reform in Eighteenth-Century England," Past & Present,no.149(Nov.1995),pp.106-107.
    (27)Mark M.Smith,"Culture,Commerce,and Calendar Reform in Colonial America," The William and Mary Quarterly,Third Series,vol.55,no.4(Oct.1998),pp.557-584.
    (28)Spencer Bonsall,"Computation of Time,and Changes of Style in the Calendar," The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography,vol.3,no.1,1879,p.66.
    (29)Eviatar Zerubavel,Hidden Rhythms:Schedules and Calendars in Social Life,Chicago and London:The University of Chicago Press,1981,pp.98-99.亦可参见I.M.Kerzhner,"Converting Dates from the Julian(Old Style) or French Republican(Revolutionary) Calendars to the Gregorian(New Style) Calendar," Taxon,vol.33,no.3(Aug.1984),p.410.
    (31)Robert Poole,"'Give Us Our Eleven Days!':Calendar Reform in Eighteenth-Century England," pp.102,111,112.
    (37)Derek Howse,Greenwich Time and the Discovery of the Longitude,p.113.
    (38)Clark Blaise,Time Lord:Sir Sandford Fleming and the Creation of Standard Time,p.104.
    (39)参见Ian R.Bartky,One Time Fits All:The Campaigns for Global Uniformity,pp.74-81,88.
    (40)International Conference Held at Washington for the Purpose of Fixing a Prime Meridian and a Universal Day.October,1884.Protocols of the Proceedings,Annex I.
    (41)这次会议的详细记录见International Conference Held at Washington for the Purpose of Fixing a Prime Meridian and a Universal Day.October,1884.Protocols of the Proceedings.
    (43)参见Derek Howse,Greenwich Time and the Discovery of the Longitude,Table III,p.154.
    (44)Matthew Shaw,Time and the French Revolution:The Republican Calendar,1789-Year XIV,New York:Royal Historical Society,2011,p.57.
    (46)《Décret qui fixe l'ère des 》,Octobre 5 1793,in J.B.Duvergier,dir.,Collection complète des lois,décrets,ordonnances,réglements,et avis du Conseil d' Etat,Tome 6,Paris:A.Guyot et Scribe,1825,pp.257-258.
    (47)戴格朗蒂纳的报告与国民公会法令,见M.J.Guillaume,Procès-verbaux du Comité dinstruction Publique de la Convention Nationale,Tome 2,Paris:impr.nationale,1894,pp.696-713.
    (48)Eviatar Zerubavel,Hidden Rhythms:Schedules and Calendars in Social Life,p.83.
    (49)G.Romme,Rapport sur l'ère de la République,Séance de la Convention nationale du 20 septembre 1793,imprimé par ordre de la Convention nationale,1793,p.5.亦参见M.J.Guillaume,Procès-verbaux du Comité dinstruction Publique de la Convention Nationale,Tome 2,pp.440-451.
    (50)J.Michelet,Histoire de la Révolution ,Tome 2,Paris:Chamerot,1869,pp.1546-1547.
    (51)Bronislaw Baczko,《Le calendrier républicain》,in Pierre Nora,dir.,Les lieux de mémoire,Tome 1,Paris:Gallimard,1997,pp.100-101.
    (52)Georges Villain,《 sur le calendrier républicain》,La Révolution  Revue historique,Tome 8,p.457.
    (53)George Gordon Andrews,"Making the Revolutionary Calendar," The American Historical Review,vol.36,no.3,1931,pp.531-532.安德鲁的这一看法,在后来几部有关共和历的研究著作中得到了进一步的阐述,如James Friguglietti,The Social and Religious Consequences of the French Revolutionary Calendar,Ph.D dissertation,Harvard University 1968; Noah Shusterman,Religion and the Politics of Time,Washington D.C.:The Catholic University of America Press,2010; Matthew Shaw,Time and the French Revolution:The Republican Calendar 1789-year XIV,New York:The Boydell Press,2011.
    (54)Robert Beck,Histoire du dimanche,de 1700 à nos jours,Paris:Les  de l' Atelier/ Ouvrières,1997,p.156;《Service des Calculs et de Mécanique Céleste》,Le Calendrier républicain de sa création à sa disparition,Paris:Imprimerie Argraphie,1989,p.90.
    (55)Eviatar Zerubavel,"The French Republican Calendar:A Case Study in the Sociology of Time," American Sociological Review,vol.42,no.6(December 1977),pp.875-876.
    (56)J.Mavidal and E.Laurent,dir.,Archives parlementaires de 1787 à 1860,Tome 37,Paris:P.Dupont,1891,p.6.
    (57)Archives parlementaires de 1787 à 1860,Tome 37,p.6.
    (58)Archives nationales,档案编号:F/17/1008/A。
    (60)Jean-Denis Lalnjuinais,Sur l'introduction du calendrier des tyrans,imprimée par ordre de la Convention Nationale,1795.类似的小册子还有不少,篇幅所限难以尽述。
    (61)Annales patriotiques et litteraires,ou la tribune des homes libres,Journal de politique et de commerce,Rédigé par L.S.Mercier,No.174(24 Prairial,l'an 3 de la Répub.「12 Juin 1795」),p.844.
    (62)《Arrêté du Directoire.exécutif,qui prescrit des mesures pour la stricte exécution du calendrier républicain》,14 Germinal an XI(3 avril 1798);《Loi contenant des mesures pour coordonner les jours de repos avec le calendrier républicain》,17 Thermidor an XI(4  1798);《Loi relative à la célébration dès décàdis》,13 Fructidor an XI(30 1798);《Loi contenant des dispositions nouvelles pour l' exaete observation de l'annuaire de la République》,23 Fructidor an XI(9 Septembre 1798),J.B.Duvergier,dir.,Collection complète des lois,décrets,ordonnances,réglements,et avis du Conseil d'Etat,Tome 10,pp.292-294,380-381,398,413-414.
    (63)Gaspard-Jean-André-Joseph Jauffret,Examen critique du noveau calendrier,Paris,1797,pp.6-7.
    (64)Bronislaw Baczko,《Le calendrier républicain》,p.98.
    (65)Saint-Jean-d' Angély Regnauld,《Projet de sénatus-consulte relatif au rétablissement du calendrier gréorien》,Archives parlementaires:Recueil compliet des débats législatifs et politiques des chambres  de 1800 à 1860,publiée par J.Mavidal et E.Laurent,Tome 8,Paris,1866,pp.720-722.
    (66)Laplace,《Project de sénatus-consulte portant rétablissement du calendrier gréorien》,Archives parlementaires:Recueil compliet des débats législatifs et politiques des chambres de  1800 à 1860,publiée par J.Mavidal et E.Laurent,Tome 8,pp.722-723.
    (69)Derek Howse,Greenwich Time and the Discovery of the Longitude,pp.45-46.
    (70)Derek Howse,Greenwich Time and the Discovery of the Longitude,pp.10-12,51-57;达娃·索贝尔:《经度》,肖明波译,上海:上海人民出版社,2007年;G.J.Whitrow,Time in History:View of Time from Prehistory to the Present Day,pp.140-146.
    (71)Derek Howse,Greenwich Time and the Discovery of the Longitude,p.78.
    (74)Derek Howse,Greenwich Time and the Discovery of the Longitude,pp.63-66.
    (75)英国海军部所制系列航海图在很多国家广泛使用,据统计,从1877年至1884年第一季度,英国海军部出售的航海图达177795份,其中,有约1/5的航海图为法国、德国、美国、意大利、俄国、土耳其、奥地利政府或其代理机构所买。在同期,英国出售给世界各地的航海历每年基本上在1.5万本以上。International Conference Held at Washington for the Purpose of Fixing a Prime Meridian and a Universal Day.October,1884.Protocols of the Proceedings,pp.97,98.
    (76)International Conference Held at Washington for the Purpose of Fixing a Prime Meridian and a Universal Day.October,1884.Protocols of the Proceedings,pp.84-85.
    (77)International Conference Held at Washington for the Purpose of Fixing a Prime Meridian and a Universal Day.October,1884.Protocols of the Proceedings,pp.199-200.
    (84)大英帝国代表桑福德·弗莱明在华盛顿国际子午线大会上提供的数据。International Conference Held at Washington for the Purpose of Fixing a Prime Meridian and a Universal Day.October,1884.Protocols of the Proceedings,p.77.
    (85)International Conference Held at Washington for the Purpose of Fixing a Prime Meridian and a Universal Day.October,1884.Protocols of the Proceedings,p.97.
    (88)International Conference Held at Washington for the Purpose of Fixing a Prime Meridian and a Universal Day.October,1884.Protocols of the Proceedings,p.189.
    (89)International Conference Held at Washington for the Purpose of Fixing a Prime Meridian and a Universal Day.October,1884.Protocols of the Proceedings,Annex IV,pp.211-212.
    (90)International Conference Held at Washington for the Purpose of Fixing a Prime Meridian and a Universal Day.October,1884.Protocols of the Proceedings,p.103.
    (91)Clark Blaise,Time Lord:Sir Sandford Fleming and the Creation of Standard Time,pp.203-204.
    (92)Hannah Gay,"Clock Synchrony,Time Distribution and Electrical Time-keeping in Britain 1880-1925," p.126.
    (93)Adam Barrows,"'The Shortcoming of Timetables':Greenwich,Modernism,and the Limits of Modernity," MSF Modern Fiction Studies,vol.56,no.2(Summer 2010),pp.262-263.
    (94)International Conference Held at Washington for the Purpose of Fixing a Prime Meridian and a Universal Day.October,1884.Protocols of the Proceedings,Annex III.
    (95)例如,在日常生活中的星期一早上6点,对于航海者来说仍是上午6点,但对天文学家来说则是星期日的下午6点。不过,再过12小时以后,即日常生活中的星期一下午6点,对于航海者来说,这个时间已是星期二下午的6点,而对天文学家来说,这是星期一的上午6点。由于一天的始末标准不同而引起时间的混乱由此可见。Derek Howse,Greenwich Time and the Discovery of the Longitude,p.149.
    (96)Ian R.Bartky,One Time Fits All:The Campaigns for Global Uniformity,p.241.
