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    ①White, L C. Sikhim and Bhutan: Twenty-One Years on the North-East Frontier 1897-1908, New York: Longrnans. 1909.
    ②Alastair Lamb, British India and Tibet 1766-1910, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986.
    ⑦Report on a Visit to Sikhim and the Tibetan Frontier in October, November and December, 1873, Bengal Secreariat Press,Calcutta 1874。另可参见吕一燃主编:《近代中国边界史》(下),第705页。
    (17)Translation of a letter from His Excellency Kwei Hwan to Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, P. C., G. M. S. I., the 13th January, 1895. Enclosure 5 in No. 13. Papers Relating to Tibet, printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office by Darling@son, Ltd, 1904.
    (22)Letter from H. J. S. Cotton, Esq., Chief Secretary to the Government of Bengal to the Secretary to the Government of India, dated Darjeeling, the 14th May, 1895. Enclosure 7 in No. 13. Papers Relating to Tibet.
    (23)Letter from F. G. Taylor, Esq., Commissioner of Customs, to J. C. White. Esq., Political Officer, Sikkim, Dated Yatong, the 9th May, 1895. Papers Relating to Tibet.
    (24)Letter from J. C. White to Commnissioner, the 11th May, 1895. Papers Relating to Tibet.
    (25)Letter from H. J. S. Cotton, Esq., Chief Secretary to the Government of Bengal to the Secretary to the Government of India, dated Darjeeling, the 20th May, 1895. Enclosure 8 in No. 13. Papers Relating to Tibet.
    (27)Letter from H. Cotton, to Foreign Department, dated Darjeeling, the 20th May, 1895. Papers Relating to Tibet.
    (29)Letter from Sir N. R O' Conor, K. C. B., C. M. G., Britannie Majesty's Minister at Peking to His Excellency the Earl of Elgin, G. M. S. I., dated Peking, the 20th May, 1895. Papers Relating to Tibet.
    (31)与岗巴与亚东县交界处相对的锡金东北端境内的山口。有时称作Donkia La。
    (32)Letter from H. Cotton, to Foreign Department, dated Darjeeling, the 24th May, 1895. Papers Relating to Tibet .
    (33)Letter from H. Cotton, to Foreign Department, dated Darjeeling, the 24th May, 1895. Papers Relating to Tibet.
    (34)From the Foreign Secrtary, to the Chief Secretary, Bengal Government, dated the 10th June, 1895. Papers Relating to Tibet.
    (35)From the Chief Secretary, Bengal Government to the Foreign Secretary dated the 12th June, 1895. Papers Relating to Tibet.
    (36)From the Chief Secretary, Bengal Government to the Foreign Secretary dated the 12th June, 1895. Papers Relating to Tibet.
    (37)Letter from H. J. S. Cotton, Chief Secretary to the Government of Bengal, to the Secretary to the Government of India, dated Calcutta, the 22nd July, 1895. Papers Relating to Tibet.
    (42)From the Foreign Secretary, Simla, to Bengal Government, Darjeeling, Papers Relating to Tibet. p. 39.
    (43)From the Chief Secretary, Bengal Government to the Foreign Secretary, Simla, dated the 7th June, 1895. Papers Relating to Tibet.
    (45)From the Chief Secretary, Bengal Government to the Foreign Secretary dated the 12th June, 1895. Papers Relating to Tibet.
    (46)Letter from the Viceroy of India, to Kwei Hwan, dated Simla, the 13th June, 1895. Papers Relating to Tibet.
    (51)Letter from J. C. White to Commnissioner, the 11th May, 1895. Papers Relating to Tibet.
    (53)Letter from Contton, Chief Secretary to the Government of Bengal, the 22nd July, 1895. Papers Relating to Tibet.
    (54)Letter from Contton, Chief Secretary to the Government of Bengal, the 22nd July, 1895. Papers Relating to Tibet.
    (55)Letter from J. C. White, Esq., Plictical Officer, Sikkim to the Commissioner of The Rajshahi Division, dated CAMP Yenkongteng, the 6th July, 1895. Papers Relating to Tibet.
    (56)《英国议会文书》,1904年,第54页。转引自周伟洲:《英国、俄国与中国西藏》,中国藏学出版社2000年版,第137页。 (责任编辑:admin)