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    ②杰里·本特利、赫伯特·齐格勒:《新全球史》,刘新成“中文版序言”,魏凤莲译,北京大学出版社2007年版,第Ⅴ页。关于这种方法论的兴起与发展,可以参阅Gilbert Allardyce, "Toward World History: American Historians and the Coming of the World History Course", Journal of World History, 1990(1), pp.23-76.
    ⑦Jerry H. Bentley, "The New World History", in Lloyd Kramer and Sarah Maza, eds., A Companion to Western Historical Thought, Oxford: Blackwell, 2002, p.393.
    ⑧William H. McNeill, "The Changing Shape of World History", History and Theory, 1995(34), p.18.
    ⑨William H. McNeill, "The Changing Shape of World History", History and Theory, 1995(34), pp.17-18.
    ⑩John Obert Voll, "Islam as a Special World System", Journal of World History, 1994(5), pp.213-226.
    (11)Marshall G.S. Hodgson, "The Interrelations of Societies in History", Comparative Studies in History and Society, 1963(5),p.250.
    (12)Michael Geyer and Charles Bright, "World History in a Global Age", American Historical Review, 1995(100),p.1042.
    (13)霍奇森认为这是共同的历史条件被打破的结果。到16世纪,几个欧亚非文明的社会和文化实力的水平基本上仍然是相同的,共同的历史条件造就了作为一个整体的前现代欧亚非复合体。然而1600-1800年间,西方的发展最终打破了这种共同的历史条件。不仅如此,由于欧亚非历史早已存在的一致性,这些历史条件一旦在西方被彻底打破(即在1800年前后),它们也很快在其他文明社会被有力地打破了。参见Marshall G.S. Hodgson, "The Interrelations of Societies in History", Comparative Studies in History and Society, 1963(5),p.250.
    (14)Michael Geyer and Charles Bright, "World History in a Global Age", American Historical Review, 1995(100), pp.1045-1047.
    (15)John R. McNeill, "Of Rats and Men: A Synoptic Environmental History of the Island Pacific", Journal of World History, 1994(5),pp.299-349.
    (16)David Christian, "The Case for 'Big History'", Journal of World History, 1991(2),pp.234-238.
    (17)Gilbert Allardyce, "Toward World History: American Historians and the Coming of the World History Course", Journal of World History, 1990(1),p.63.
    (18)Jerry H. Bentley, "The New World History", in Lloyd Kramer and Sarah Maza, eds., A Companion to Western Historical Thought, pp.393-416.
    (20)Kenneth Pomeranz, "Social History and World History: From Daily Life to Patterns of Change", Journal of World History 2007(18),p.77.
    (21)Lynda Shaffer, "Southernization", Journal of World History, 1994(5), pp.1-21.
    (22)Kenneth Pomeranz, "Social History and World History: From Daily Life to Patterns of Change", Journal of World History, 2007(18), p.74.
    (23)Kenneth Pomeranz, "Social History and World History: From Daily Life to Patterns of Change", Journal of World History, 2007(18),p.75.
    (24)让·德·弗里耶称欧洲的“工业革命”(Industrial Revolution)为“勤劳革命”(industrious revolution),而在黄宗智看来,中国的勤劳却导致了“内卷化”。
    (25)Kenneth Pomeranz, "Social History and World History: From Daily Life to Patterns of Change", Journal of World History, 2007(18), pp.86-95.
