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    1 Roland Barthes, “The Death of the Author”, in Stephen Heath, ed., Image Music Text, Fontana Press, 1977, pp.142-148.
    2 Michel Foucaul, t“What is an Author?”, in James D.Faubion, ed., Aesthetics, Method, and Epistemology, trans., Josue V.Harari, The New Press, 1998, pp.205-222.
    3 费夫贺、马尔坦:《印刷书的诞生》, 李鸿志译, 广西师范大学出版社2006年版。
    4 Henri-Jean Martin, The History and Power of Writing, trans., Lydia G.Cochrane, University of Chicago Press, 1994.
    5 Daniel Roche, The People of Paris:An Essay in Popular Culture in the 18thCentury, trans., Marie Evans, Gwynne Lewis, University of California Press, 1987.彼得·柏克:《法国史学革命:年鉴学派, 1929-1989》, 刘永华译, 北京大学出版社2006年版, 第72-73页。
    6 罗杰·夏蒂埃的代表作有:《书籍的秩序:14至18世纪的书写文化与社会》, 吴泓缈、张璐译, 商务印书馆2013年版;《法国大革命的文化起源》, 洪庆明译, 译林出版社2015年版。Roger Chartier, Forms and Meanings:Texts, Performances, and Audiences from Codex to Computer, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1995;The Author's Hand and the Printer's Mind, trans., Lydia G.Cochrane, Polity Press, 2014.
    7 罗伯特·达恩顿:《启蒙运动的生意:〈百科全书〉出版史 (1775-1800) 》, 顾杭、叶桐译, 三联书店2005年版;《拉莫莱特之吻:有关文化史的思考》, 萧知纬译, 华东师范大学出版社2011年版;《阅读的未来》, 熊祥译, 中信出版社2011年版;《法国大革命前的畅销禁书》, 郑国强译, 华东师范大学出版社2013年版。
    8 Cynthia J.Brokaw, “On the History of the Book in China”, in Cynthia J.Brokaw, Kai-wing Chow, eds., Printing and Book Culture in Late Imperial China, University of California Press, 2005, p.6.
    9 C.H.罗伯茨、T.C.斯基特:《册子本起源考》, 高峰枫译, 北京大学出版社2015年版。D.F.McK enzie, “The book as an Expressive Form”, in Bibliography and the Sociology of Texts, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp.9-30;Roger Chartier, Forms and Meanings:Texts, Performances, and Audiences from Codex to Computer.
    10 Roger Chartier, “Texts, Printings, Readings”, in L.Hunt, ed., The New Cultural History, University of California Press, 1989, pp.154-175;Jonathan Rose, “Rereading the English Common Reader:A Preface to a History of Audiences”, Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol.53, Issue 1, 1992, pp.47-70;Reinhard Wittmann, “Was there a Reading Revolution at the End of the Eighteenth Century?”, in G.Cavallo, R.Chartier, eds., A History of Reading in the West, trans., Lydia G.Cochrane, Polity Press, 1999, pp.284-312.Susan R.Suleiman, Inge Crosman, The Reader in the Text:Essays on Audience and Interpretation, Princeton University Press, 1980;Jane Tompkins, ed., Reader-Response Criticism:From Formalism to Post-Structuralism, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980;Andrew Bennett, ed., Readers and Reading, Longman, 1995.
    11 罗伯特·达恩顿:《书籍史话》, 《拉莫莱特之吻:有关文化史的思考》, 第85-86页。
    12 Simon Eliot, Jonathan Rose, A Companion to the History of the Book, Blackwell Pub., 2007, “Introduction”, p.1.
    13 Jerome J.McG ann, A Critique of Modern Textual Criticism, University of Chicago Press, 1983;Jack Stillinger, “A Practical Theory of Versions”, in Coleridge and Textual Instability:The Multiple Versions of the Major Poems, Oxford University Press, 1994, pp.169-185;S.J.Michael, F.Suarez, “Book History from Descriptive Bibliographies”, in Leslie Howsam, ed., The Cambridge Companion to the History of the Book, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
    14 D.F.McK enzie, Bibliography and the Sociology of Texts, Cambridge University Press, 1999, pp.12-15.
    15 罗伯特·达恩顿:《书籍史话》, 《拉莫莱特之吻:有关文化史的思考》, 第85-112页。
    16 罗伯特·达恩顿:《书籍史话》, 《拉莫莱特之吻:有关文化史的思考》, 第112页。
    17 罗伯特·达恩顿:《阅读史初探》, 《拉莫莱特之吻:有关文化史的思考》, 第132页。
    18 罗伯特·达恩顿:《阅读史初探》, 《拉莫莱特之吻:有关文化史的思考》, 第132-136页。
    19 罗伯特·达恩顿:《阅读史初探》, 《拉莫莱特之吻:有关文化史的思考》, 第137-142页。
    20 Jonathan Rose, “Arriving at a History of Reading”, Historically Speaking, Vol.5, 2004, p.39.
    21 罗杰·夏蒂埃:《文本、印刷术、阅读》, 林·亨特编:《新文化史》, 江政宽译, 麦田出版社2002年版, 第219-220页。此译本将Roger Chartier译为“罗歇·夏尔提埃”, 本文使用“罗杰·夏蒂埃”这一译名。此译本将community译为“社群”, 本文改译为“共同体”。此译本将reading均译为“解读”, 恐不符合夏蒂埃原意, 因此本文引用时, 全部改为“阅读”。Roger Chartier, “Texts, Printings, Readings”, in L.Hunt, ed., The New Cultural History, pp.154-175.
    22 罗杰·夏蒂埃:《文本、印刷术、阅读》, 林·亨特编:《新文化史》, 第220页。
    23 罗杰·夏蒂埃:《文本、印刷术、阅读》, 林·亨特编:《新文化史》, 第221页。
    24 罗杰·夏蒂埃:《文本、印刷术、阅读》, 林·亨特编:《新文化史》, 第223页。
    25 Stanley Fish, Is There a Text in This Class?The Authority of Interpretive Communities, Harvard University Press, 1980, pp.167-173.
    26 罗杰·夏蒂埃:《文本、印刷术、阅读》, 林·亨特编:《新文化史》, 第233页。此段文字的中文翻译较难理解, 因此根据英文原本进行了调整。
    27 Rolf Engelsing, Der Bürger als Leser, Lesergeschichte in Deutschland 1500-1800, Stuttgart, 1974;“Die Perioden der Lesergeschichte in der Neuzeit:Das statische Ausmass und die soziokulturelle Bedeutung der Lektüre”, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens 10 (1969) :S.944-1002.
    28 Jonathan Rose, “Arriving at a History of Reading”, Historically Speaking, Vol.5, 2004, pp.36-39.
    29 罗伯特·达恩顿:《阅读史初探》, 《拉莫莱特之吻:有关文化史的思考》, 第141页。
    30 安·布莱尔:《工具书的诞生:近代以前的学术信息管理》, 徐波译, 商务印书馆2014年版。
    31 罗伯特·达恩顿:《阅读史初探》, 《拉莫莱特之吻:有关文化史的思考》, 第132页。
    32 Jonathan Rose, “Rereading the English Common Reader:A Preface to a History of Audiences”, Journal of the History of Ideas, 1992, p.48.
    33 Jonathan Rose, “Rereading the English Common Reader”, p.47.Margaret Spufford, Small Books and Pleasant Histories:Popular Fiction and Its Readership in the Seventeenth-Century England, University of Georgia Press, 1982;William J.Gilmore-Lehne, Reading Becomes a Necessity of Life:Material and Cultural Life in Rural New England 1780-1835, University of Tennessee Press, 1989.
    34 柯律格:《长物:早期现代中国的物质文化与社会状况》, 高昕丹、陈恒译, 三联书店2015年版。Yuming He, Home and the World:Editing the“Glorious Ming”in Woodblock-Printed Books of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, The Harvard University Asia Centre, 2013.
    35 Heather Jackson, Marginalia:Readers Writing in Books, Yale University Press, 2001, p.6.
    36 Heather Jackson, Marginalia:Readers Writing in Books, p.7.
    37 黄永年:《古籍版本学》, 江苏教育出版社2012年版, 第210-212页;韦力:《批校本》, 江苏古籍出版社2003年版。
    38 Heather Jackson, Marginalia:Readers Writing in Books, p.81.
    39 William Howard Sherman, Used Books:Marking Readers in Renaissance England, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2008.
    40 Heather Jackson, Marginalia:Readers Writing in Books, pp.149-178.
    41 Heather Jackson, Marginalia:Readers Writing in Books, pp.150-165.
    42 Heather Jackson, Marginalia:Readers Writing in Books, pp.165-178.
    43 Kathryn Kerby-Fulton, Maidie Hilmo, eds., The Medieval Professional Reader at Work:Evidence from Manuscripts of Chaucer, Langland, Kempe, and Gower, University of Victoria Press, 2001.
    44 Alexander J.Peden, The Graffiti of Pharaonic Egypt:Scope and Roles of Informal Writings (C.3100-332 B.C.) , Brill, 2001.
    45 William Howard Sherman, Used Books:Marking Readers in Renaissance England, “Preface”, p.xi.
    46 William Howard Sherman, Used Books:Marking Readers in Renaissance England, “Preface”, p.xiv.
    47 Manicule一词源于拉丁文的“手” (manus) 和“小手” (manicula) , 通常绘作, 是12-14世纪欧洲读者最常用的一种阅读记号。William Howard Sherman, Used Books:Marking Readers in Renaissance England, pp.29-40.
    48 William Howard Sherman, Used Books:Marking Readers in Renaissance England, pp.51-52.
    49 Antony Grafton, “Is the History of Reading a Marginal Enterprise?”, Papers of the Bibliographic Society of America, Vol.91, 1997, pp.147-148.
    50 William Howard Sherman, Used Books:Marking Readers in Renaissance England, “Preface”, p.xiii. (责任编辑:admin)