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    ①Krishan Kumar,Visions of Empire:How Five Imperial Regimes Shaped the World,Princeton University Press,2017,p.2.Russell David Foster,“The Concept of Empire”,in William Outhwaite and Stephen Turner(eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Political Sociology,SAGE Publications,2017,p.457.
    ②Anthony Pagden,Peoples and Empires:A Short History of European Migration,Exploration,and Conquest,from Greece to the Present,Modem Library,2003,p.19.
    ③John Richardson,The Language of Empire:Rome and the Idea of Empire From the Third Century BC to the Second Century AD,Cambridge University Press,2008,p.89.
    ④Richard Koebner,Empire,New York:The Universal Library,1965,pp.4-5.
    ⑤Russell David Foster,“The Concept of Empire”,in William Outhwaite and Stephen Turner(eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Political Sociology,p.453.
    ⑥Anthony Pagden,Lords of All the World:Ideologies of Empire in Spain,Britain and France,c.1500-c.1800,Yale University Press,1998,p.13.
    ⑦John Richardson,The Language of Empire:Rome and the Idea of Empire From the Third Century BC to the Second Century AD,p.145.
    ⑧Andrew Lintott,“What Was the ‘Imperium Romanum’?”,Greece & Rome,Vol.28,No.1,(Apr.,1981),pp.53-67.
    ⑨Anthony Pagden,Lords of All the World:Ideologies of Empire in Spain,Britain and France,c.1500-c.1800,p.30.
    ⑩Krishan Kumar,Visions of Empire:How Five Imperial Regimes Shaped the World,p.6.
    (11)Dominic Lieven,Empire:The Russian Empire and Its Rivals,Yale University Press,2000,p.4.
    (13)David Armitage,The Ideological Origins of the British Empire,Cambridge University Press,2004,p.29.
    (14)Anthony Pagden,Lords of All the World:Ideologies of Empire in Spain,Britain and France,c.1500-c.1800,p.8.
    (16)Joseph Chamberlain(1897)“The True Conception of Empire”,http://www.users.miamioh.edu/dahlmac/DG/imperial-geopolitics/3-joseph-chamberlain-1897-t.html,2018年9月4日下载。
    (17)Krishan Kumar,Visions of Empire:How Five Imperial Regimes Shaped the World,p.27.
    (18)Stephen Howe,Empire:A Very Short Introduction,Oxford University Press,9002,p.41.
    (19)Michael W.Doyle,Empires,Cornell University Press,1986,p.12.
    (21)Stephen Howe,Empire:A Very Short Introduction,p.30.
    (26)Danilo Zolo,“Contemporary Uses of the Notion of ‘Empire’”,The Monist,Volume 90,Issue 1(1 January 2007),pp.48-64.
    (27)Atilio A.Boron,Empire and Imperialism:A Critical Reading of Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri,translated by Jessica Casiro,New York:Zed Books,2005,pp.3-4.
    (29)James Muldoon,Empire and Order:The Concept of Empire,800-1800,Macmillan Press Ltd,1999,p.6.
    (31)Alain de Benoist,“The Idea of Empire”,Telos,December 21,1993,pp.81-98.
    (32)John Richardson,The Language of Empire:Rome and the Idea of Empire From the Third Century BC to the Second Century AD,p.2.
    (33)Russell David Foster,“The Concept of Empire”,in William Outhwaite and Stephen Turner(eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Political Sociology,p.457.
    (34)Russell David Foster,“The Concept of Empire”,in William Outhwaite and Stephen Turner(eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Political Sociology,pp.455-456.
    (38)例如,在1871年亨利?尤尔上校编的英文版中,马可?波罗描绘忽必烈登基为“他获得了帝国”(第296页),把乃颜试图夺位描述为“夺取其帝国”(第297页),称忽必烈是“统治帝国的最佳人选”(第322页),元政府发行纸币使人们“可以在帝国的任何地方买到他们喜欢的东西”(第379页),称忽必烈为“皇帝”,在“整个帝国”赈恤贫民(第397页)。参见The Book of Ser Marco Polo,vol.1,By Colonel Henry Yule,C.B.,London,1871.
    (39)Dominic Lieven,Empire:The Russian Empire and Its Rivals,p.4.
    (50)Russell David Foster,“The Concept of Empire”,in William Outhwaite and Stephen Turner(eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Political Sociology,p.456.
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