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    ④Russian Circular Annoucing Occupation of Left Bank of the Peiho,Opposite Foreign Concessions at Tientsin,Nov.6,1900,Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States,1901,p.41.
    ⑤Mr.Conger to Mr.Hay(telegram),November 14,1900,Despatches from U.S.Ministers to China,October 1-December 15,1900,Vol.109,M92,National Archives of the United States.
    ⑥Mr.Conger to the Russian Minister at Pekin,November 14,1900,Enclosure 9 of No.491,Despatches from U.S.Ministers to China,December 16,1900-January 31,1901,Vol.110,M92,National Archives of the United States
    ⑦Mr.Hay to Mr.Conger,November 16,1900,Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States,1901,p.39.
    ⑧康格反驳了若士得“没有美国人的财产牵涉其中”的理由,指出“如果俄国或其他国家想要一个新的租界,或延伸原有租界,都需要首先得到中国政府的同意,其他国家公开的和国际的权利应该得到尊重”,进而催促若士得尽快提出抗议。Mr.Conger to Mr.Ragsdale,November 30,1900,Enclosure 5 of No.491,Despatches from U.S.Ministers to China,December 16,1900-January 31,1901,Vol.110,M92,National Archives of the United States.
    ⑨Russian Minister to Mr.Conger,November 16,1900,Enclosure 10 of No.491,Despatches from U.S.Ministers to China,December 16,1900-January 31,1901,Vol.110,M92,National Archives of the United States.
    ⑩Mr.Conger to Russian Minister,November 22,1900,Enclosure 11 of No.491,Despatches from U.S.Ministers to China,December 16,1900-January 31,1901,Vol.110,M92,National Archives of the United States; The Russian Acting Consul at Tientsin to Mr.Ragsdale,December 5,1900,Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States,1901,p.45.
    (11)Notice Addressed by Belgian Consul to Consuls of Other Nations at Tientsin,November 7,1900,Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States,1901,p.42.
    (12)French Circular Announcing the Occupation of Certain Territory at Tientsin in addition to its Formaer Concession,November 20,1900,Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States,1901,p.42.
    (13)Austrian Minister to Mr.Conger,November 28,1900; Italian Minister to Mr.Conger,December 1,1900,Enclosure 14 and 15 of No.491,Despatches from U.S.Ministers to China,December 16,1900-January 31,1901,Vol.110,M92,National Archives of the United States.
    (14)Notice Promulgated by the Japanese Consul at Tientsin,December 28,1900,Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States,1901,p.47.
    (15)Mr.Conger to Belgian Minister,November 14,1900; Mr.Conger to Mr.Ragsdale,November 30,1900; Mr.Conger to Mr.Ragsdale,December 31,1900,Enclosure 12,6 and 17 of No.491,Despatches from U.S.Ministers to China,December 16,1900-January 31,1901,Vol.110,M92,National Archives of the United States
    (16)Belgian Minister to Mr.Conger,November 18,1900,Enclosure 13 of No.491,Despatches from U.S.Ministers to China,December 16,1900-January 31,1901,Vol.110,M92,National Archives of the United States.
    (17)Conger to Hay,December 31,1900,No.491,Despatches from U.S.Ministers to China,December 16,1900-January 31,1901,Vol.110,M92,National Archives of the United States
    (18)General Chaffee to Mr.Conger,February 21,1901,Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States,1901,p.49.
    (19)Major Foote to Adjutant-General,China Relief Expedition,February 17,1901,Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States,1901,p.49.
    (21)Mr.Ragsdale to Major Foote,February 15,1901,Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States,1901,p.50.
    (22)Jules Davids edited,American diplomatic and public papers:the United States and China,series Ⅲ,th Sino-Japanese War to the Russo-Japanese War,1894-1905,Vol.12,Washington,Del.:Scholary Resources,1981,pp.156-159.
    (24)Mr.Ragsdale to Major Foote,February 15,1901,Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States,1901,p.50.
    (25)Mr.Conger to Mr.Ragsdale,February 24,1901; Mr.Conger to General Chaffee,February 25,1901,Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States,1901,p.51.
    (26)Copy of Notice to be Served on Foreign Consuls by United States Consul at Tientsin Relative to Preservation of the Tract of Land Known as the United States Concession in Tientsin,Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States,1901,p.51.
    (27)Mr.Conger to Mr.Hay(Telegram),February 26,1901; Mr.Conger to Mr.Hay,February 27,1901,No.551,Despatches from U.S.Ministers to China,February 5-March 29,1901,Vol.111,M92,National Archives of the United States.
    (28)Mr.Hay to Mr.Conger(Telegram),February 27,1901,Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States,1901,p.48.
    (29)Squiers to Hay,April 22,1901,No.614,Despatches from U.S.Ministers to China,April 1-May 30,1901,Vol.112,M92,National Archives of the United States.
    (30)Mr.Satow to Mr.Squiers,July 24,1901,Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States,1901,p.53-54.若士得的提议参见Mr.Ragsdale to Mr.Squiers,July 13,1901,No.182,Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States,1901,p.53.
    (31)Mr.Squiers to Mr.Hay,July 25,1901,No.677,Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States,1901,p.52.
    (32)Mr.Conger to Mr.Hay(Telegram),September 9,1901; Mr.Hay to Mr.Conger(Telegram),September 12,1901,Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States,1901,p.54.
    (34)Mr.Hay to Mr.Conger,November 27,1901,No.417,Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States,1901,p.58-59.
    (35)Ragsdale to Hill,April 22,1902,No.94,Despatches from U.S.Consuls in Tientsin,China,Jan.1,1900-June 26,1903,Vol.7,M114,National Archives of the United States.
    (40)Radsdale to Hill,March 18,1902,No.89; Ragsdale to Hill,March 28,1902,No.91,Despatches from U.S.Consuls in Tientsin,China,Jan.1,1900-June 26,1903,Vol.7,M114,National Archives of the United States.
    (44)Johnson to Hill,April 17,1901,No.100,Despatches from U.S.Consuls in Amoy,China,January 1,1895-December 23,1901,Vol.14,M100,National Archives of the United States.Rockhill to Hay,April 24,1901,No.75,Despatches from U.S.Ministers to China,April 1-May 30,1901,Vol.112,M92,National Archives of the United States.
    (46)Viceroy Hsu of Min-Che to Consul Johnson(Translation),received April 1,1901,Despatches from U.S.Consuls in Amoy,China,January 1,1895-December 23,1901,Vol.14,M100,National Archives of the United States.
    (47)Johnson to Hill,June 22,1901,No.102,Despatches from U.S.Consuls in Amoy,China,January 1,1895-December 23,1901,Vol.14,M100,National Archives of the United States.
    (48)Johnson to Hill,July 1,1901,No.104,Despatches from U.S.Consuls in Amoy,China,January 1,1895-December 23,1901,Vol.14,M100,National Archives of the United States.
    (49)Fesler to Hill,February 4,1902,No.8,Despatches from U.S.Consuls in Amoy,China,January 3,1902-August 13,1906,Vol.15,M100,National Archives of the United States.
    (50)Rockhill to Peirce,March 17,1902,Despatches from U.S.Consuls in Amoy,China,January 3,1902-August 13,1906,Vol.15,M100,National Archives of the United States.
    (53)Adee to Squiers,August 10,1901,No.360,Diplomatic Instructions of the Department of State,June 24,1899-August 14,1906,Vol.43,M77,National Archives of the United States.
    (54)Conger to Hay,November 3,1898,Despatches from U.S.Ministers to China,Vol.105,M92,National Archives of the United States.
    (55)Conger to Hay,March 1,1899,Despatches from U.S.Ministers to China,Vol.106,National Archives of the United States.
    (56)R.B.Bradford,Coaling Stations for the Navy,Forum,26:732-747(February 1899).
    (57)John Bassett Moore's memorandum of conversation with Secretary of State John Hay,July 1,1900,Moore Papers,Library of U.S.Congress.
    (58)Bradford to Long,June 29,1900,File 14661-9; Long to Hay,July 31,1900,File 11324,Office of the Secretary of the Navy,RG80,National Archives of the United States.
    (59)Long to Hay,October 23,1900,File 11324-3,Office of the Secretary of the Navy,RG80,National Archives of the United States.
    (60)Hay to Conger(Cipher Telegram),November 19,1900,Diplomatic Instructions of the Department of State,June 24,1899-August 14,1906,National Archives of the United States.
    (62)Conger to Hay(Cipher Telegram),Nov.23,1900,Despatches from U.S.Ministers to China,October 1-December 15,1900,Vol.109,M92,National Archives of the United States.
    (63)Conger to Hay(Cipher Telegram),Dec.7,1900,Despatches from U.S.Ministers to China,October 1-December 15,1900,Vol.109,M92,National Archives of the United States.
    (65)Bradford to Long,January 14,1901; Bradford to Long,January 16,1901,File 11324-3,Office of the Secretary of the Navy,RG80,National Archives of the United States.
    (67)参见Marilyn Young,The Rhetoric of Empire:American China Policy 1895-1901,Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1968,p.206. (责任编辑:admin)