内容摘要: 本文讨论了晚清以来最具影响力的传教士李提摩太的慈善救助活动和思想。研究发现,基于社会实践者的切身体验及感悟,加上作为传教士的宗教动因,推动了其慈善理念的出现和发展。李提摩太的宗教慈善理念是,从救助灾民开始,考虑社会成员的长期发展,提出预防为主的观念;灾后,他的救助思想从社会底层转向社会知识分子和官员等社会精英人群,试图从社会改良的角度推进中国教育发展和社会变革。这一转折,不仅救助了社会底层的群众,也传播了西方的科学知识,大大推动了近代学校教育的发展和西方社会科技的传播。 Abstract: This paper discusses Timothy's religious charity and concepts. The study shows that the experience of being a social practioner and the religious motivation has promoted Timothy 's concept of charity. Timothy suggested that helping the victims through practice and arouses the elites' thoughts through social reform. The transformation not only benefits the working class, but also spreads the western science and promotes the development of modern education. 关键词:宗教慈善;李提摩太;社会救助;社会改良; Keyword:religious charity;Timothy;social relief;social reform; 作者:李喜霞(著)(西安文理学院历史系), 罗文(著)(佛罗里达州立大学历史系) 来源: 《宁夏社会科学》 2014年 第5期 中图分类号:K252 (责任编辑:admin) |