内容摘要: 牛达生先生新著《西夏考古论稿》一书涉猎范围广泛、尊重权威而不盲从权威,提出了一系列具有创新意义的学术观点,引起了学界极大反响。但其中关于"金夏界堠碑"和《大夏国葬舍利碣铭》等碑刻资料的论述,仍有剩义可发。通过对四通"金夏界堠碑"的分析可见,金正隆四年(1159年)金夏疆界的一段位于今陕西吴起县和甘肃华池县之间的秦长城遗址,这与《中国历史地图集》所绘金代《京兆府路图》所标和《西夏的疆域和边界》一文所推定的金夏边界线位于吴起县城之北的长城乡完全不同,据此纠正以往认识的错误。《大夏国葬舍利碣铭》一文的撰拟时间可以结合《俄藏黑水城文献》中关于一件"大庆三年"呈状的释读错误以及从《大夏国葬舍利碣铭》撰著时间、李元昊正式称帝时间与北宋王朝的反应时间三者的时间差序来进一步佐证。 Abstract: The new book Xixia Archaeology Draft written by Niu Dasheng proposes some new ideas that respect the authority but does not follow the authority blindly. The book studied "Jin -Xia Boundary Tablet" and "Xixia Funeral Relics Inscriptions". In the year of 1156 , Jin-Xia boundary tablet lay between Wuqi county and Huachi county which is contradictory to the former maps. Moreover , the exact time in which Xixia funeral relic was written is a controversial topic in the academic circles. All in all, Niu's new opinions in this book can be proved by the black water city documents preserves in Russia museum and other historical events. 关键词:金夏边界;元昊称帝; Keyword:Jin-xia boundary, Yuanhao's proclaim of being emperor; 作者:孙继民(著)(河北省社会科学院;东北大学秦皇岛分校), 宋坤(著)(河北师范大学历史文化学院) 来源: 《宁夏社会科学》 2014年 第5期 中图分类号:K246.3 (责任编辑:admin) |