Abstract:This research describes how race-ethnicity, nativity and neighborhood characteristics are associated with reports of unfair treatment by police in the previous five years by residentially stable men. Data are from waves 1 and 2 of the Los Angeles Family and Neighborhood Survey. Results suggest that foreign-born Latinos are less-likely than African Americans and US-born whites to report unfair treatment. After accounting for tract percentage Latino, US-born Latinos were less likely to report unfair treatment than African Americans, which partially supports a gradient model. Neighborhood affluence was negatively associated with reports, but poverty, percentage Latinos and immigrant concentration were not. The importance of neighborhood privilege is highlighted, as is the need to better understand Latino immigrants’ experiences with police. Future work should examine immigrants’ interpretation of interactions with police and their willingness to report unfair treatment. 摘要:本研究描述了过去五年里有稳定居住地的男性受到警察不公对待的报道是怎样与种族-族群、出生地和地区特性相关联的。数据来自于洛杉矶家庭和邻里调查的第1和第2部分。结果表明,国外出生的拉美裔美国人比非洲裔美国人和美国白人更不太可能被报告所遭受的警察不公平对待。在考量了大比例的拉丁裔情况之后,同样也显示了美国出生的拉丁人比非洲裔美国人更少被报告受到不公平对待,此结果部分地支持了一个梯度模型。地区的富裕程度与报道数量呈负相关的关系,但贫穷的、部分拉美人和移民集中区域不符合此关系。本文强调地区优先权的重要性,是因为需要更好地理解拉美裔移民与警察交往的经验。未来的研究工作应该考察移民与警察互动的原因以及他们报告受到不公平对待的意愿。 Keywords: race, ethnicity, Latinos, police, immigrant, neighborhoods 关键字:种族,族群,拉丁人,警察,移民,地区 作者: Eileen E.S. Bjornstrom 来源: Ethnic and Racial Studies 2015, Volume 38, No.12 (责任编辑:admin) |