Attitudes toward interracial marriages and the role of interracial contacts in Sweden 在瑞典对跨种族婚姻的态度和跨种族接触的角色 Abstract: This paper examines attitudes toward interracial marriages and the relationship between the amount of prior interracial contact and attitudes in Sweden. The analysis is based on an anonymous postal survey conducted in Malmo, Sweden answered by 461 white-European respondents. Several studies in the US address the question of contact and attitudes and find that those who have more interracial contact, especially interracial friendships, have more positive attitudes toward intermarriage. The results show that the majority of the white European respondents can imagine marrying interracially; however, there are clear preferences toward different racial groups. Moreover, as in the US context, respondents who reported interracial friendships, and not general or superficial contacts, are more apt to answer the question about interracial marriage positively. 摘要:本文研究了瑞典对跨种族婚姻的态度和之前的跨种族接触和态度之间的关系。该分析是基于在瑞典马尔默进行的匿名邮寄问卷调查,共有461名欧洲白人受访者。在美国的一些研究探讨了接触和态度的问题,发现那些有更多的种族间接触的人,尤其是拥有跨种族友谊的人,对异族通婚的态度更积极。结果表明,多数欧洲白人受访者能够想象跨种族的婚姻;然而,他们对不同的种族群体有明确的偏好。此外,在美国的环境下,那些报告跨种族的友谊的受访者,而不是一般的或表面的接触的受访者,更倾向于积极地回答关于异族通婚的问题。 作者:Torngren, Sayaka Osanami 来源:ETHNICITIES 卷: 16 期: 4 特刊: SI 页: 568-588 出版年: AUG 2016 (责任编辑:admin) |