内容摘要: 大家族暨宗族是民族学人类学亲属制度的基本与核心范畴,是国际汉学研究的基本观察单位和通用术语。然大家族理念和形制也贯穿于西方国家的历史,西欧中世纪邦国分封制与皇室王族世袭制即可佐证。经典民族志也表明:家族宗族并非汉人社会特有的亲缘组织,如裂变宗族理论,里弗斯与拉一布朗的地缘宗族观,普里查德和福蒂斯以世系群考察非洲政治组织,弗里德曼以新加坡华人社区探讨中国东南汉人乡村宗族,科瓦列夫斯基、柯思文等考察南欧、南北亚父系家族公社,马克思以家族公社探索“亚细亚生产方式”等。中国汉人之外的大家族、家支谱系、皇室王族和世袭制亦可辅证世系大家族的普适性。拙文以欧亚大陆和中国诸族体大家族考证补充非汉视域大家族形态;以中国边域、跨域理念宗族补缺汉人宗族研究并试析氏族、家族世系群的非单一血缘性。 Abstract: "Big family", no matter how you label it and which form it takes: lineage, hereditary family or extended family, has been largely observed in history and in various areas. Since the Chinese lineages of Hart people has been largely caught by anthropological and Sinological studies and highlighted as classic mode of lineage system, the "big family" system in other areas has not yet been drawn enough attention. An false assumption was pinned underneath that the family system is the unique phenomenon for Han- Chinese. This paper puts great efforts to prove the universality of the " big family" system by exhibiting extensive ethnographic facts in Europe, in inner- Asian continent and in China peripheries. The author also tries to demonstrate the similarities of those "big families", their indirect- lineage feature other than direct- lineage, and emphasizes the originality of all these "big families". 关键词:东西方;大家族;亲族理念;非汉阈; 中图分类号:C913.11 (责任编辑:admin) |