内容摘要: 入赘婚是老挝佬族的主要婚姻模式,具体可分为族内婚、跨族婚及过渡婚三种类型。佬族入赘婚形成原因为母系继嗣制度、女性主导家庭经济与经济生产、先天的体质因素等。它承担着解决男女性别失衡、促进民族融合及在一定程度上能起到“调和’,民族传统与现代文明冲突等功能,并与小乘佛教精神相契合,共同促进社会和谐。 Abstract: Uxorilocal marriage is the main marriage mode in Laos, which can be divided into three types : marriage within the ethnicity, span marriage and transition marriage. The reasons of its formation include matrilineal descent system, female's leading role in family and economic production, and congenital constitution factors. It bears the responsibility of mitigating gender imbalance, strengthening ethnic harmony and to some extent reconciling the conflict between traditional culture and modern civilization. It also matches the Theravada Buddhist spirits and together they promote social harmony. 关键词:老挝;佬族;入赘婚;入赘婚类型;社会功能; 中图分类号:K893.34 (责任编辑:admin) |