内容摘要: 穆斯林种姓是印度乃至南亚地区的特殊社会一文化现象。它出现于中世纪的印度,历经了一定的发展,以隐性的方式呈现。印度穆斯林种姓滥觞于最早定居于印度的穆斯林商人隐约的种姓感,以及伴随穆斯林对印度的征服,大量改宗伊斯兰教的印度教徒根深蒂固的种姓习俗。德里苏丹国建立之后,穆斯林阿什拉夫一阿吉拉夫之分构成了印度穆斯林种姓的雏形,至莫卧儿王朝时期,这种划分更为复杂细致,并逐渐成为印度穆斯林的一种身份类型。 Abstract: Muslim caste is a special social-cultural phenomenon in India and even in South Asia. It appeared under a given historical and practical background and experienced certain development, then presented in a hidden way. The caste among Muslims in India began with the indistinct caste-sense of Muslim merchants who settled down in India most early as well as the caste customs which deeply rooted in Hindus even though they converted to Islam. After the establishment of Delhi Sultanate, the division of Muslim Ashraf-Ajraf possessed the embryonic form of Muslim caste in India. This kind of division became more and more delicate in Mughal Empire and gradually became a kind of identity of Muslims in India. 关键词:印度穆斯林;种姓;源流; 中图分类号:B968 (责任编辑:admin) |