内容摘要: 13世纪之前蒙古人何时过年,学界至今仍采用160多年前布里亚特蒙古学者班札罗夫提出的阴历九月初一说。这种说法不是从历法出发,故其结论带有颇大随意性。笔者根据古代蒙古人采用"草青则为一年"的物候历和蒙古草原上的草至"四月始青",考证出"孟夏月十六"才真正是13世纪前蒙古物候历的新年,是物候历春之首月首日。"夏之首月首日"指的则是阴历七月十六。还附带解释了"查干萨日"和"鄂尔多斯历"。 Abstract: When was the Mongolian New Year before the 13th century? September the first on lunar calendar, a date put forward by Buryat Mongolian scholar Banzai of 160 years ago, is agreea upon in the academic field up till now. Such a statement is not based on the calendar, and therefore is kind of casual. According to ancient Mongolian phenologieal calendar, a year was decided by the time when the grass turned green, and on the grassland, "grass began to turn green at the beginning of April". Based on this, this article concludes that the 16th of April was the actual New Year on the Mongolian phenological calendar before the 13th century and the first day of the first year in spring. "The first day of the first month in summer" referred to the 16thof July on lunar calendar. In addition, it interprets "the Day of Chagansa'and "Ordos Calendar". 关键词:阴历九月初一 草青则为一年 孟夏月十六 物候历新年; 中图分类号:P194 (责任编辑:admin) |