内容摘要: 清咸同以来云南土司体制总体运行正常,守法土司能够正常办理承袭。云南靠内地区努力推动改土归流,使残存的土司势力走向没落。改土归流并非彻底革废土司,而是使土司“虚衔化”,剥夺土司原有的行政管理权。在滇西、滇南边区,土司制度发达,土司集中连片分布,不搞全面改土归流,而是根据具体情况采取有所区别的政策。清政府土司治策的出发点是恢复和重建西南边疆统治秩序,加强对西南边疆管控力度,应对外来侵略。无论是办理土司承袭、众建土司还是改土归流,都是服务于筹边御侮、保固疆圉的战略总方针。 Abstract: On the whole, Tusi administration in Yunnan went on smoothly since the Xianfeng-Tong-zhi Uprising and the law-abiding Tusi could inherit the position. The power-shift from Tusi to Han official reduced the power of Tusi. However, it was not the abandonment of the Tusi system but a practice that made Tusi almost powerless. In west and south Yunnan where the Tusi system operated smoothly, there was a policy suiting the local situations rather than a complete power-shift. The Qing Imperial Court adopted its policies of Tusi inheritance or power-shift in order to restore the control and order in the borderland of southwest China and fought against foreign invasion. 关键词:咸同起义;云南土司;承袭;改流;治策 ; 中图分类号:D691.4 (责任编辑:admin) |