内容摘要: 后金一清政权继承了前朝对西藏地方藏传佛教笼络、利用的策略,并通过扶持格鲁派,最终确立起西藏地方“政教合一”的体制,从而加强了对西藏地方的有效管理。与此同时,在清王朝独尊格鲁派政治策略的影响下,中央政府对藏传佛教其他教派的重视则略显不足。文章借助寺院经济一寺院实体(宗教)一政治的分析范式,通过纵、横向的对比,揭示清代前期中央政府对藏传佛教各派管理的得与失。 Abstract: The Qing government worked out the tactics of drawing over and taking advantage of Tibetan Bud- dhism in Tibet. By supporting the Gelug sect, the government set up the system of uniting religion and politics to strengthen the effective management of Tibetan regions. At the same time, the Qing dynasty valued the political tac- tics of the Gelug sect, but ignored the other sects of Tibetan Buddhism. This paper reveals the advantages and disad- vantages of the central government governing the Tibetan Buddhism early in the Qing Dynasty by using the analysismodels:temple economy, temple entity and politics to make vertical and horizontal comparison 关键词:清中央政府;藏传佛教;政治联系;寺院经济;经验教训; 中图分类号:B946.6 (责任编辑:admin) |