内容摘要: 秦汉时期,匈奴政权完成了从弱到强再到弱的演变,以军事实力为单于继承的隐性标准,中央政权"同姓主兵,异姓主政"以及松散的地方行政组织结构这三大管理特点造就了匈奴前期的强大,也导致了匈奴后期的衰落。 Abstract: In the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Huns' regime experienced the history transmigration from weak to strong, then from strong to weak. Three management features led to the Huns' early power and its later decline:the military strength served as the recessive standards to be the Khan;the central regime held this viewpoints that people with the same surname were in charge of armed forces and people with different surname were in charge of the gov- ernment affairs;the structure of local administrative organizations was lax in discipline. 关键词:秦汉时期;匈奴;管理;单于继承;中央政权;地方政权; 中图分类号:K289 (责任编辑:admin) |