【中文关键词】 殷墟孝民屯; 大型铸范; 铜盘; 盥洗礼仪; 【英文关键词】 Xiaomintun on the Yin Ruins large-sized casting mold bronze pan basins washing ritual; 【英文摘要】 In the light of the bronzes so far unearthed from the Yin Ruins and their casting technology known through researches,the present paper studies the bottom mold of large-sized bronze vessels unearthed from Xiaomintun on the Yin Ruins in the excavation of 2003 to 2004,and affirms its casts to have been large-sized bronze pan basins.Taking into account related historical records and oracle-bone inscriptions,the author concludes that Shang and Zhou bronze pan were all wash-vessels and a little differed from each other in use. Moreover, during the Shang-Zhou period, there was intricate washing ritual, including not only ceremonious actions of face, hair and hand washing, but also those of all body bathing in large-sizedpanin the case of grand sacrificial activities. 孝民屯村位于安阳市西北约5公里,东距小屯村约2•5公里,属殷墟保护区,村东濒临洹河。2003年春至2004年春夏,为配合安阳钢铁公司的基本建设,中国社会科学院考古研究所和河南省文物考古研究所组成联合发掘队,在孝民屯村进行了发掘,发掘面积达6万余平方米[1]。在村的南部,发现了大面积的商代铸铜遗存,其中一件大型铸范的底部范芯座引起了学术界的关注。作为发掘工作的直接参与者,我们依据当时发掘的实际情况,从这件大型铸件的铸造工艺和器形分析入手,对商周铜盘的用途及商代盥洗礼仪提出粗浅的看法,望大家指正。 原文发表在《考古》2009年第6期 全文阅读 (责任编辑:admin) |