[33] 参见M. D. Muthukumaraswamy对 Roger Abrahams 的采访,见 M. D. Muthukumaraswamy采访编辑 Voicing Folklore Career, Concerns, and Issues: A Collection of Interviews, pp.11-13, Chennai, National Folklore Support Center, India, 2002。 [34] Roger Abrahams, “The Past in the Presence: An Overview of Folkloristics in the Late 20th Century”, Reimund Kvideland编Folklore Processed: In Honor of Lauri Honko on His 60th Birthday 6th March 1992, p.34, Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 1992。 [35] 参见 Richard Bauman 编及作序,Americo Peredes 著,Folklore and Culture on the Texas-Mexian Border, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1993。 [36]见Americo Paredes, “Forword”,Americo Paredes 和 Richard Bauman编Toward New Perspectives in Folklore, p.x, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1972. 又参见Debora Kodish, “On the Coming of Age in the Sixties”,《理论化民俗学:走向新视角的文化政治学》(Theorizing Folklore: Toward New Perspectives on the Politics of Culture), Amy Shuman 和Charles L. Briggs 编, p.193,Western Folklore, Vo.52, 1993。 [37] 参见Richard Bauman: “Differential Identity and the Social Base of Folklore”, Americo Paredes 和 Richard Bauman编Toward New Perspectives in Folklore, pp.31-41, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1972. [38] 参见Amy Shuman 和Charles L. Briggs 《导言》,《理论化民俗学:走向新视角的文化政治学》(Theorizing Folklore: Toward New Perspectives on the Politics of Culture), Amy Shuman 和Charles L. Briggs 编, p.109,Western Folklore, Vo.52, 1993。 [39]参见Dan Ben-Amos, “‘Context’ in Context”,《理论化民俗学:走向新视角的文化政治学》(Theorizing Folklore: Toward New Perspectives on the Politics of Culture), Amy Shuman 和Charles L. Briggs 编, pp.209, 210,Western Folklore, Vo.52, 1993。 [40] Dorson, Richard M. , Folklore and Folklife: An Introduction, pp.45-46, Chicago: the University of Chicago Press, 1972. [41] Roger Abrahams, “The Past in the Presence: An Overview of Folkloristics in the Late 20th Century”, Reimund Kvideland编Folklore Processed: In Honor of Lauri Honko on His 60th Birthday 6th March 1992, p.40, Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 1992。 [42]据与亚伯拉罕的个人交流,洛德从未认为自己是民俗学家。 [43] Albert B. Lord, The Singer of Tales, New York: Atheneum, 1978。 [44] 洛德的《故事歌手》在1960年初版后,在民俗学及其他领域内被广泛地阅读与讨论,对民俗学重新考虑史诗的创作技术有很大影响。参见Roger Abrahams, “Introduction: Kenny Goldstein and the Pursuit of Folksong”, p.9, 注6,Roger Abrahams编, Fields of Folklore: Essays in Honor of Kenneth S. Goldstein, Bloomington: Trickster Press, 1995。 [45] 参见 Richard Bauman, “Performance and Honor in 13th-Century Iceland”, Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 99, No. 392, pp.132, 133。并见 J.E. Limon and M.J. Young,“Frontiers, Settlements, and Development in Folklore Studies, 1972-1985”, p.437, Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 15, 1986. [46] 参见杨利慧:《表演理论与民间叙事研究》,《民俗研究》,2004年第1期。杨利慧、安德明:《理查德·鲍曼及其表演理论——美国民俗学者系列访谈之一》,《民俗研究》,2003年第1期。 [47] J.E. Limon and M.J. Young,“Frontiers, Settlements, and Development in Folklore Studies, 1972-1985”, p.445, Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 15, 1986. [48] 同上,p.446。 [49] 参见同上,p.446。 [50] 参见Amy Shuman 和Charles L. Briggs 《导言》,《理论化民俗学:走向新视角的文化政治学》(Theorizing Folklore: Toward New Perspectives on the Politics of Culture), Amy Shuman 和Charles L. Briggs 编, p.130,Western Folklore, Vo.52, 1993。 [51]参见M. D. Muthukumaraswamy对 Roger Abrahams 的采访,见 M. D. Muthukumaraswamy采访编辑 Voicing Folklore Career, Concerns, and Issues: A Collection of Interviews, pp.15, Chennai, National Folklore Support Center, India, 2002。 [52] 参见 Edward L. Schieffelin,“Problematizing Performance”, 见Felicia Hughes-Freeland 编Ritual, Performance, Media, p.201, London and New York, Routledge Press, 1998。 [53] M. D. Muthukumaraswamy对 Roger Abrahams 的采访,见 M. D. Muthukumaraswamy采访编辑 Voicing Folklore Career, Concerns, and Issues: A Collection of Interviews, pp.15, Chennai, National Folklore Support Center, India, 2002。英语的enactment 有“付诸实施”之意,也有接近performance 的扮演之意。 [54]参见Sherry B. Ortner, “Theory in Anthropology since the Sixties”, Comparative Studies in Society and History, p.144-146, Vol. 26, No. 1, 1984. [55] 同上,p.144。 [56] 奥特纳在她的文章中提及鲍曼的研究为这种“实践”潮流之先声,但将鲍曼归入语言学的研究,参见同上,p.144。 [57] 同上,p.149。 [58] 同上,p.137-138。 [59] 参见 Pierre Bourdieu,Outline of a Theory of Practice, Richard Nice英译, Cambridge University Press, p.8, 1982(1977)。 [60] 同上,p.79。 [61] 同上,p.81。 (责任编辑:admin) |