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http://www.newdu.com 2020-04-03 《世界民族》2020年第1期 梁茂春 参加讨论

    2.参见Linda Basch,Nina Glick Schiller,Cristina Szanton Blanc,Nations Unbound:Transnational Projects,Postcolonial Predicaments,and Deterritorialized Nation-States,London and New York:Gordon & Breach Science Publishers,1994.Zlatko Skrbis,Long Distance Nationalism:Diasporas,Homelands and Identities,Aldershot,England:Ashgate Publishing Limited,1999.
    3.Nina Glick Schiller,“Long-Distance Nationalism”,in Carol R.Ember,Melvin Ember and Ian A.Skoggard (ed.),Encyclopedia of Diasporas:Immigrant and Refugee Cultures around the World,Springer Publishing,2005,p.572.
    4.R.A.Schermerhorn,These Our People:Minorities in American Culture,Boston:D.C.Heath,1949,p.472.
    6.Benedict Anderson,Long-Distance Nationalism:World Capitalism and the Rise of Identity Politics,The Wertheim Lecture,Amsterdam:Centre for Asian Studies,1992.
    8.Nina Glick Schiller,“Long-Distance Nationalism”,in Carol R.Ember,Melvin Ember and Ian A.Skoggard (ed.),Encyclopedia of Diasporas:Immigrant and Refugee Cultures around the World,p.570.
    9.Anthony D Smith,National Identity,Penguin Group,1991,pp.171-175.
    10.Nina Glick Schiller,“Blood and Belonging:Long Distance Nationalism and the World Beyond”,in S.McKinnon (ed.),Complexities:Beyond Nature and Nurture,Chicago:University of Chicago Press,2005,pp.298-300.
    11.Nina Glick Schiller,“Long-Distance Nationalism”,in Carol R.Ember,Melvin Ember and Ian A.Skoggard (ed.),Encyclopedia of Diasporas:Immigrant and Refugee Cultures around the World,p.578.
    12.Thomas Hylland Eriksen,“Nationalism and the Internet”,Nations and Nationalism,2007,vol.13,no.1,pp.1-17.
    16.Nina Glick Schiller,“Blood and Belonging:Long Distance Nationalism and the World Beyond”,in S.McKinnon (ed.),Complexities:Beyond Nature and Nurture,pp.300-301.
    17.Prabhath Udugampola,“Wherever in This World I Live,Achieving Tamil Eelam is My Conviction”:Long Distance Nationalism among Second Generation Sri Lankan Tamils in Toronto (Thesis),Columbia University,2010,p.87,90.
    18.Georges Fouron and Nina Glick Schiller,“All in the Family:Gender,Transnational Migration,and the Nation-State”,Identities,2001,vol.7,no.4,pp.539-582.
    19.Kenneth D.Wald and Bryan D.Williams.“American Jews and Israel:The Sources of Politicized Ethnic Identity”,Nationalism and Ethnic Politics,2006,vol.12,no.2,pp.205–237.
    20.Daniele Conversi,“Irresponsible Radicalisation:Diasporas,Globalisation and Long-Distance Nationalism in the Digital Age”,Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,2012,vol.38,no.9,pp.1357-1379.
    21.Thomas Hylland Eriksen,“Nationalism and the Internet”,Nations and Nationalism,2007,vol.13,no.1,pp.1-17.
    22.Elaine Lynn-Ee Ho,“‘Claiming’ the Diaspora:Elite Mobility,Sending State Strategies and the Spatialities of Citizenship”,Progress in Human Geography,2011,vol.35,no.6,pp.757-772.
    23.Yossi Shain,The Frontier of Loyalty:Political Exile in the Age of the Nation State,Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,2005,pp.50-51.
    24.Nina Glick Schiller,“Blood and Belonging:Long Distance Nationalism and the World Beyond”,in S.McKinnon (ed.),Complexities:Beyond Nature and Nurture,p.296.
    25.Yossi Shain,The Frontier of Loyalty:Political Exile in the Age of the Nation State,p.51.
    26.Levitt,Peggy and Nina Glick Schiller,“Conceptualizing Simultaneity:A Transnational Social Field Perspective on Society”,International Migration Review,2004,vol.38,no.3,p.1020.
    27.Nina Glick Schiller,“Long-Distance Nationalism”,in Carol R.Ember,Melvin Ember,and Ian A.Skoggard (ed.),Encyclopedia of Diasporas:Immigrant and Refugee Cultures Around the World,p.577.
    29.P.Levitt and de la R.Dehesa,“Transnational Migration and the Redefinition of the State:Variations and Explanations”,Ethnic and Racial Studies,2003,vol.26,no.4,pp.587-611.
    30.Nina Glick Schiller,“Blood and Belonging:Long Distance Nationalism and the World Beyond”,in S.McKinnon (ed.),Complexities:Beyond Nature and Nurture,p.296.
    31.P.Levitt & de la R.Dehesa,“Transnational Migration and the Redefinition of the State:Variations and Explanations”,Ethnic and Racial Studies,2003,vol.26,no.4,pp.587-611.
    33.Thomas Hylland Eriksen,“Nationalism and the Internet”,Nations and Nationalism,2007,vol.13,no.1,pp.1-17.
    34.引自“国际MOL”组织(MOL International)主页,详见 http://motl.org/
    35.Nadine Blumer,“Am Yisrael Chai! (The Nation of Israel Lives!) Stark Reminders of Home in the Reproduction of Ethno-Diasporic Identity”,Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,2011,vol.37,no.9,pp.1331-1347.
    37.Schiller,Nina Glick,“Blood and Belonging:Long Distance Nationalism and the World Beyond”,in S.McKinnon (ed.),Complexities:Beyond Nature and Nurture,Chicago:University of Chicago Press,2005,p.301.
    38.Jose Itzigsohn,“Immigration and the Boundaries of Citizenship:The Institutions of Immigrants’ Political Transnationalism”,International Migration Review,2000,vol.34,no.4,pp.1126-1154.
    39.Nina Glick Schiller,“Long-Distance Nationalism”,in Carol R.Ember,Melvin Ember,Ian A.Skoggard (ed.),Encyclopedia of Diasporas:Immigrant and Refugee Cultures Around the World,pp.570-580.
    40.Bahar Baser and Ashok Swain,“Stateless Diaspora Groups and Their Repertoirs of Nationalist”,Journal of International Relations,2010,vol.8,no.1,pp.37-60.
    41.Maria Koinova,“Diasporas and Secessionist Conflicts:The Mobilization of the Albanian,Armenian,and Chechen Diasporas”,Ethnic and Racial Studies,2008,vol.34,no.2,pp.1-48.
    42.Nina Glick Schiller,“Long-Distance Nationalism”,in Carol R.Ember,Melvin Ember,Ian A.Skoggard (ed.),Encyclopedia of Diasporas:Immigrant and Refugee Cultures Around the World,p.575.
    43.Bahar Baser and Ashok Swain,“Stateless Diaspora Groups and Their Repertoirs of Nationalist”,Journal of International Relations,2010,vol.8,no.1,pp.37-60.
    44.Neil DeVotta,“The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and the Lost Quest for Separatism in Sri Lanka”,Asian Survey,2009,vol.49,no.6,pp.1021-1051;Sharika Thiranagama,“Making Tigers from Tamils:Long- Distance Nationalism and Sri Lankan Tamils in Toronto”,American Anthropologist,2014,vol.116,no.2,pp.265-278;Sarah Wayland,“Ethnonationalist Networks and Transnational Opportunities:the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora”,Review of International Studies,2004,vol.30,pp.405-426;Cécile van de Voorde,“Sri Lankan Terrorism:Assessing and Responding to the Threat of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)”,Police Practice and Research,2005,vol.6,no.2,pp.181-199.
    45.1990年代远在澳大利亚的克罗地亚移民二代中的一些狂热民族主义分子返回其传统居住地参加了试图建立克罗地亚民族国家的军事斗争。参见Zlatko Skrbis,Long-distance Nationalism:Diasporas,Homelands and Identities,Brookfield,VT:Ashgate Publishing Company,1999.
    46.Nina Glick Schiller,“Long-Distance Nationalism”,in Carol R.Ember,Melvin Ember and Ian A.Skoggard (ed.),Encyclopedia of Diasporas:Immigrant and Refugee Cultures around the World,p.575.
    47.Yossi Shain,The Frontier of Loyalty:Political Exile in the Age of the Nation State,pp.50-76.
    48.Martin Smith,“The United States’ Use of Exiles in Promoting Regime Change in Cuba,1961 and Iraq,2002-3”,Small Wars & Insurgencies,2004,vol.15,no.1,pp.38-53.
    49.Yossi Shain,The Frontier of Loyalty:Political Exile in the Age of the Nation State,pp.52-54.
    50.Scott Martelle and Mai Tran,“Vietnam Calls O.C.Group Terrorists”,Los Angeles Times,http://articles.latimes.com/2001/oct/21/local/me-59761.
    53.Joell Demmers “Diaspora and Conflict:Locality,Long-distance Nationalism,and Delocalization of Conflict Dynamics”,The Public,2002,vol.9,no.1,pp.85-96.
    54.Peggy Levitt,“Transnational Migration:Taking Stock and Future Directions”,Global Networks,2001,pp.195-216;Ana Margheritis “State-led Transnationalism and Migration Reaching Out to the Argentine Community in Spain”,Global Networks,2007,vol.7,no.1,pp.87-106;Nina Glick Schiller,Linda Basch and Cristina Szanton Blanc,“From Immigrant to Transmigrant :Theorizing Transnational Migration”,Anthropological Quarterly,1995,vol.68,no.1,pp.48-63.
    55.Nina Glick Schiller,“Long Distance Nationalism”,in by Carol R.Ember,Melvin Ember (eds.),Encyclopedia of Diasporas,Ian A.Skoggard,Springer Publishing,2004,p.570.
    56.Bahar Baser and Ashok Swain,“Diasporas as Peacemakers:Third Party Mediation in Homeland Conflicts”,International Journal on World Peace,2008,vol.25,no.3,pp.7-28.
