摘 要:手工业生产专业化的程度和形式被认为是衡量社会复杂化程度或文明化进程的重要指标。本文首先对西方有关手工业生产专业化的考古学研究作了简单回顾,提出近二十年来相关...
关键词: 蒙特柳斯 考古类型学 滨田耕作 考古学史 KEYWORDS: Montelius, Oscar (1843-1921) Typology (Archaeology) Hamada Kōsaku(1881-1938) History of Archaeology ABSTRACT: Typology, which is mainly originated in the ideas o...
本文系《中国社会科学报》第 153 期 18 版“博物 ”文章之一。 大致说来,中国古代的墓葬经历了从椁墓到室墓的变化,两者的分界在汉初。所谓椁墓,就是我们常说的土坑竖穴墓;而...
Abstract: The burial system of the Three Kingdoms period transferred from the systems of the Han Dynasty to the Jin Dynasty. The tomb form in the areas of the Cao Wei and Wu kingdoms and the types of burial objects were changed compared wit...
关键词:古代陶器;产地研究;理论和方法 摘 要:本文简要回顾了古陶产地研究的历史,介绍了其研究理论和方法,并对未来的发展方向做了展望。 Key words: ancient pottery; study on the p...
Abstract: The Chinese archaeology was originated in the first middle period of the 20th century. It is very important to research the academic history. The article discusses the works and views in the different phases in the period, some...