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    (41)Gerald D.Feldman.The Great Disorder:Politics,Economics and Society in the German Inflation,1914-1924.London:Oxford University Press,1997 p.846.
    (42)卡尔·迪特利希·埃尔德曼:《德意志史》第四卷 世界大战时期(1914-1950)上册,商务印书馆1986年,第308页。
    (44)Hugen Schulze.Weimar Deutschland 1917-1933,Severin und Siedler,1982,S.66.
    (45)Derek H.Alderoft.From Versailles to Wall Street 1919-1929.Berkeley:University of California Press,1977,pp.87~88.
    (46)Harold James.The German Slump:Politics and Economics 1924-1936.Oxford:Clarendon Press,1986 p.100.
    (47)Derek H.Alderoft.From Versailles to Wall Street 1919-1929,p.90.
    (48)B.R.米切尔:《帕尔格雷夫世界历史统计 欧洲卷1750-1993年》,第994页。
    (50)William C.Mcneil.American Money and the Weimar Republic:Economics and Politics on the Eve of the Great Depression.New York:Columbia University Press,1986.p.18.
    (51)Emily S.Rosenberg.Spreading the American Dream:American Economic and Cultural Expansion,1890-1945.New York:Hill and Wang,1982.p.151.
    (52)С·Ю·维戈兹基等:《外交史 第三卷 资本主义体系总危机第一阶段的外交》下,三联书店1979年,第687页。
    (55)Derek H.Alderoft.From Versailles to Wall Street 1919-1929,pp.31~32.
    (57)Derek H.Alderoft.From Versailles to Wall Street 1919-1929 p.23.
    (59)Theo Balderston.Economics and Politics in the Weimar Republic,p.32.
    (60)Theo Balderston.Economics and Politics in the Weimar Republic,pp.25~26. (责任编辑:admin)