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    (61)Hugen Schulze.Weimar Deutschland 1917-1933,S.39.
    (62)Derek H.Alderoft.From Versailles to Wall Street 1919-1929 p.87.
    (63)Harold James.The German Slump:Politics and Economics 1924-1936 p.21.
    (65)Harold James.The German Slump:Politics and Economics 1924-1936 p.22.
    (66)Derek H.Alderoft.From Versailles to Wall Street 1919-1929 p.90.
    (67)Derek H.Alderoft.From Versailles to Wall Street 1919-1929 p.92.
    (70)Steven B.Webb Hyperinflation and Stabilization in Weimar Germany.Oxford:Oxford University Press,1989,p.102.
    (71)James W.Angell:《战后德意志之复兴》,第51页。
    (72)Peter D.Stachura.Unemployment and the Great Depression in Weimar Germany,p.41.
    (73)Gerald D.Feldman.The Great Disorder:Politics,Economics,and Society in the German Inflation,1914-1924 p.839.
    (74)David Abraham.The Collapse of the Weimar Republic:Political Economy and Crisis,p.119.
    (75)E.J.Feuchtwanger.From weimar to Hitler:Germany,1918-1933 p.158.
    (76)Harold James.The German Slump:Politics and Economics 1924-1936 p.141.
    (77)Theo Balderston.Economics and Politics in the Weimar Republic,pp.68~71.
    (78)Lan Kershaw.Weimar:Why did German Democracy fail?.London:Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1990.pp.38.164.
    (81)C·L·莫瓦特:《新编剑桥世界近代史 第十二卷 世界力量对比的变化》,中国社会科学出版社1987年,第79页。
    (82)Derek H.Alderoft.From Versailles to Wall Street 1919-1929 p.305.
    (83)Detlev J.K.Peukert.The Weimar Republic:The Crisis of Classical Modernity.Allen Lane:The Penguin Press,1991,p.119.
    (85)Lan Kershaw.Weimar:Why did German Democracy Fail? p.32.
