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    内容摘要:2011年利比亚内乱揭示出该国长期存在的内部分歧,引发 了人们对利比亚正式和非正式组织角色尤其是部落族群在其政治生活中的角色与影响的关注。部落林立和殖民历史使得利比亚一直处于“无国家”状态,而利比亚国 家形态的破坏性本质又使部落忠诚得以进一步延续。卡扎菲执政期间对待部落的理论与政策实践并非高度统一。利比亚在内乱下暴露出的错综复杂的国内社会政治生 态,政治动员和武装组织沿着部落或地区划分而时有发生,部落文化政治在内乱中的强劲表达,凸显了后卡扎菲时期利比亚所面临的困境。
    Abstract:Libyan turmoil since 2011 unveiled the long term domestic fragmentation and has intrigued attention to the formal and informal institutions, especially the Libyan tribes as well as the roles and effects of the tribal- ethnic political players. The tribal jungle and colonial past has put Libya into a state of "non- state", whereas tribal loyalty lasts further due to the deconstructive nature of the state configuration. Qaddafi's rein also showed the inconsistence between the policies and the application of his own theory in dealing with tribes. The exposure of anfractuosities of current political- social situation in mess made it prominent that post-Qaddafi regime faces severe difficulties such as regional-tribal political-military mobilization, strong expression of tribal political cultures at national arena for power struggle.