http://www.newdu.com 2024/11/24 07:11:59 《语言与翻译》 2013年 第 欧阳荣苑 (新疆财 参加讨论
内容摘要: 回鹘文佛教文献、文书资料与汉文化、汉语言有着极深的渊源,回鹘文献的汉语音韵学研究,目前成果主要在“对音研究、回鹘文汉字音研究、语言类型学研究和借词研究”四个方面。 Abstract: There is much important significance for studying ancient Chinese Phonology by using the Uighur script including Buddhist texts and social documents. The study of Chinese Phonology about Uighur script materials has obtained some achievements in four aspects: Hui-Han transcriptions, the pronunciation of Chinese characters in Uighur scripts, language typology, and the loan words of Chinese. 关键词:回鹘文;音韵学;对音; 中图分类号:H211.4 (责任编辑:admin) |
- 上一篇:回鹘文文献《金光明经》中的对偶词研究
- 下一篇:养嵩苗语汉借词的声调