http://www.newdu.com 2024/11/13 05:11:36 《世界民族》 2013年 第0 翟石磊(中国矿业大 参加讨论
内容摘要: 中文姓名英译的“失范”现象不仅揭示了中西方在姓名文化方面的差异性,在深层次上更是凸显了当代中国与西方世界互不适应的问题。翻译话语冲突背后蕴含着中西方知识体系的冲突以及中国对西方主导下的话语规范的背离。从政治话语体系到学术话语体系再到社会公共话语体系,中国话语的力量来自于中国话语权的提升和国际影响力的扩大。在姓名翻译问题上,中国不仅仅需要凝聚更多的汉文化圈的力量,以形成对话西方的整体;同时,也要走出传统的“东方”与“西方”绝对区别的“二元对立”。最终发展出更多的共享话语和价值观以促进不同话语体系之间的协调和共存发展。 Abstract: The English translation dilemma of Chinese names not only reveals the difference between China and the West in naming culture, but also highlights the challenges of co- existence. Discourse conflicts in translation implicate the contradictory relation and China's deviation from the current discourse system dominated by the West. From political discourse to academic discourse, and then to social public discourse, the impact of China' s discourse comes from the promotion of its discourse power and international influence. On the name translation issue, China needs collaborative support from the Confucian Cultural Circle for more powerful voice; meanwhile, it is recommended that China should stay away from the dichotomy which separates the Orient from the West sharply, and finally explore more shared values for a sustainable and cooperative discourse system. 关键词:中文姓名;英译;话语冲突;话语体系;儒家文化圈; 中图分类号:G05 (责任编辑:admin) |
- 上一篇:维语-GAn关系小句论元的关系化及其约束条件
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