(12)Lise Meitner and O.R.Frisch."Disintegration of Uranium by Neutrons:A New Type of Nuclear Reaction",Nature,1939,143(3615),pp.239~240. (13)Margaret Gowing.Britain and Atomic Energy,1939-1945.p.34. (14)1916年12月成立,主要职能是支持大学和科研机构开展有关工业和贸易的研究,1965年该机构被撤并。 (15)Andrew Brown.The Neutron and the Bomb:A Biography of Sir James Chadwick.New York:Oxford University Press,1997,p.179. (16)罗伯特·容克:《比一千个太阳还亮:原子科学家的故事》,原子能出版社1991年,第20页。 (17)1933年希特勒上台时,德国籍的派尔斯正在英国剑桥访学,身为犹太人的他决定留在英国。 (18)Peter Hennessy.Cabinet and the Bomb.Oxford:Oxford University Press,2007,pp.24~30; Margaret Gowing.Britain and Atomic Energy,1939-1945.Appendix 1,pp.389~393. (19)Margaret Gowing.Britain and Atomic Energy,1939-1945 p.42. (20)Jeremy Bernstein."A Memorandum that Changed the World",American Journal of Physics,2011,79(5)p.440. (21)前身为防空科学研究委员会,1934年11月成立,隶属空军部,主要工作是打造英国的雷达防空体系,以应对德国空军的威胁,战争爆发后不久更名。 (22)1940年4月9日德军占领丹麦时,莉泽·迈特纳正在哥本哈根。在她返回斯德哥尔摩时,丹麦物理学家尼尔斯·玻尔(Niels Bohr)要她到斯德哥尔摩后给伦敦国王学院的欧文·理查森(Owen Richardson)发一封电报,内容是:"Met Niels and Margrethe recently both well but unhappy about events please inform Cockcroft and Maud Ray Kent",理查森将电报交给了英国物理学家约翰·考克饶夫(John D.Cockcroft),考克饶夫则告诉了军事情报部门。“Maud Ray Kent”被密码专家认为是“Raduim taken”(占有镭)的一种打乱字母顺序的排列方式,这与德国人正在控制所有镭的消息是一致的。直到1943年10月玻尔逃到英国时,才知道Maud Ray不过是玻尔孩子们的家庭英语女教师莫德·蕾的名字,她居住在英国肯特郡,电报中省去了地址的其余部分。莫德委员会的主席为伦敦帝国学院的物理学家乔治·汤姆森(George P.Thomson,约瑟夫·汤姆森之子),包括负责监督管理和向政府部门提出建议的政策委员会和具体组织承担研究任务的技术委员会。 (23)Margaret Gowing.Britain and Atomic Energy,1939-1945 p.68. (24)Peter Hennessy.Cabinet and the Bomb,pp.32~34; Margaret Gowing.Britain and Atomic Energy,1939-1945,Appendix 2,pp.394~426. (25)PREM 3/139/8A,Prime Minister to General Ismay for C.O.S.Committee,30[th] August,1941; PREM 3/139/8A,L.C.Hollis to Prime Minister,2[nd] September,1941. (26)在时任枢密院大臣、前首相内维尔·张伯伦和生物物理学家、科学与学术保护协会副主席、防空科学研究委员会成员阿奇博尔德·维维安·希尔(Archibald Vivian Hill)的建议下,1940年10月10日丘吉尔成立了内阁科学咨询委员会,时任兰开斯特公爵郡大臣汉基勋爵(Lord Hankey)为第一任主席。委员会的成员主要是皇家学会的学术官员,其主要职责是,向政府提供科学事务的咨询,建议政府关注新的科学发展动向,并对政府各部门中负责科学事务的官员提供建议人选。 (27)全文见Margaret Gowing.Britain and Atomic Energy,1939-1945,p.105. (28)David Zimmerman.Top Secret Exchange:The Tizard Mission and the Scientific War.Montreal & Kingston:McGill-Queen's University Press,1996.该书对蒂泽德和考克饶夫代表团的美国之行作了专门研究。 (29)Margaret Gowing.Britain and Atomic Energy,1939-1945,p.65. (30)Paul Kesaris.Manhattan Project:Official History and Documents.Reel 10,Part 16:Diplomatic History of the Manhattan Project,p.2. (31)James B.Conant.My Several Lives:Memoirs of A Social Inventor.New York:Harper & Row,Publishers,1970,p.277. (32)James B.Conant.My Several Lives:Memoirs of A Social Inventor p.276. (33)James B.Conant.My Several Lives:Memoirs of A Social Inventor,p.276. (34)James B.Conant.My Several Lives:Memoirs of A Social Inventor p.277. (35)Confidential Report by J.B.Conant on the Organization of Research on Instrumentalities of War in Great Britain in 1941,April 24,1941.Vannevar Bush-James B.Conant Files,Records of Office of Scientific Research and Development,Record Group 227,Folder 20.Washington D.C:National Archives Microfilm Publications,1990. (36)Richard G.Hewlett and Oscar E.Anderson.A History of the United States Atomic Energy Commission:The New World,p.37. (37)Vannevar Bush.Pieces of the Action p.59~60. (38)Letter from Bush to Jewett,April 15,1941.Bush-Conant Files,Folder 7. (39)Report of National Academy of Sciences Committee on Atomic Fission by A.T.Compton to F.B.Jewett,May 17,1941.Bush-Conant Files,Folder 1.Washington D.C.:National Archives Microfilm Publication,1990. (40)Richard G.Hewlett and Oscar E.Anderson.A History of the United States Atomic Energy Commission:The New World,p.39. (41)James B.Conant.My Several Lives:Memoirs of A Social Inventor pp.278~279. (42)Richard Rhodes.The Making of the Atomic Bomb.New York:Simon & Schuster,1986,pp.367~368. (43)Letter from Ernest O.Lawrence to Dr.Brigg July 10,1941.Bush-Conant Files,Folder 1. (44)Richard G.Hewlett and Oscar E.Anderson.A History of the United States Atomic Energy Commission:The New World,p.40. (45)Report of National Academy of Sciences Committee on Atomic Fission,July 11,1941 and Appendix:Memorandum Regarding Fission of Element 94 by Ernest O.Lawrence.Bush-Conant Files,Folder 1; Richard G.Hewlett and Oscar E.Anderson.A History of the United States Atomic Energy Commission:The New World,p.39. (46)Arthur H.Compton.Atomic Quest:A Personal Narrative.London:Oxford University Press,1956 p.49. (47)Letter from C.C.Lauritsen to V.Bush,July 11,1941.Bush-Conant Files,Folder 9. (48)Richard G.Hewlett and Oscar E.Anderson.A History of the United States Atomic Energy Commission:The New World p.43. (49)Richard Rhodes.The Making of the Atomic Bomb,p.369. (50)Richard Rhodes.The Making of the Atomic Bomb,p.372; Graham Farmelo.Churchill's Bomb:How the United States Overtook Britain in the First Nuclear Arms Race.New York:Basic Books,2013,p.197. (51)Graham Farmelo.Churchill's Bomb:How the United States Overtook Britain in the First Nuclear Arms Race,p.198. (52)Letter from Coolidge to Jewett,September 11,1941.Bush-Conant Files,Folder 1. (53)Arthur H.Compton.Atomic Quest:A Personal Narrative,p.8. (54)James B.Conant."A History of the Development of An Atomic Bomb".Bush-Conant Files,Folder 1. (55)James B.Conant.My Several Lives:Memoirs of A Social Inventor,p.280.在科南特的回忆录中,他提到哥伦比亚大学研究生院院长、物理系主任乔治·佩格拉姆(George B.Pegram)也参与了这次谈话,但康普顿的回忆录中却没有提及他。 (56)James B.Conant.My Several Lives:Memoirs of A Social Inventor p.279. (57)Richard Rhodes.The Making of the Atomic Bomb,p.377.
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