内容摘要: 我国《宪法》、法律、行政法规、地方性法规、自治条例和单行条例等对蒙古族习惯进行了明确的认可。近些年随着法律、民族自治地区单行条例的增多,逐渐规定了物权习惯、生活习惯、宗教习惯、卫生习惯等习惯,表明我国在这一问题上的认识有所深化。总结我国法律对蒙古族习惯的认可,这对全面认识蒙古族习惯,弘扬优秀的蒙古族法文化,推进我国的法治建设具有积极意义。 Abstract: Mongolian customs are approved definitely in the Constitution of our country, in laws, and in administrative, local and autonomous laws and regulations and in specific regulations. Recently, with the increase of laws and specific regulations in ethnic minority regions, property right customs, living customs, religious and health customs are gradually stipulated, which shows the further understanding of our country about this topic. It is of positive significance to summarize the legal approval of Mongolian customs by the law of our country so as to understand Mongolian customs fully, to carry forward the excellent Mongolian legal culture and promote the legal rule of our country. 关键词:法律 蒙古族 习惯 认可; 中图分类号:D902 (责任编辑:admin) |