内容摘要: 细奴罗传说产生于唐后期,流传于滇西大理、巍山地区。结合地方文献分析细奴罗传说在现代国家背景传说的变迁过程以及细奴罗传说在现代传媒的作用下对社会的影响,认为细奴罗传说的变迁,不仅体现了现代民族意识和国家观念对传说变迁的影响,还体现了国家经济政策对少数民族地区经济发展战略的影响。 Abstract: The legends of XI Nuluo emerged in the late Tang Dynasty, and were popular in Dali and Weishan in west Yunnan. This paper uses the local historical documents to analyze these legends and their changes in the perspective of the modem state as well as their social influence in the background of modem media. The paper concludes that the changes of these legends reflect the influence of modem national consciousness and state. 关键词:民族意识;国家观念;传说;巍山;少数民族地区;发展战略; 作者:罗勇(云南大学人文学院) 来源: 《云南民族大学学报:哲学社会科学版》 2013年 第3期 中图分类号:C95;K281.7 (责任编辑:admin) |