内容摘要: “熔炉论”提出于美利坚民族身份构建形成之时、美国多元文化定型之际。作为一种平等而具有包容性的族裔同化理论,“熔炉论”历来遭到国内学界的误读,被视为文化中心主义和种族主义的集中体现,且与“同化”、“美国化”等概念相混淆。通过历史语境分析和对《熔炉》剧本解读发现,“熔炉论”在美国历史上既是一个目标,更是一个一直在发生作用的过程;且与“多元文化主义”并非两种对立的族裔关系理论,而是有其内在的一致性,即都强调对异质文化的包容、尊重与平等对待。 Abstract: The "melting pot theory" was formed during the initial stage of the emerging era of the American identification and just before the debut of the multicuhuralism. Earlier the "melting pot" and the "multieuhuralism" later are two American social policies to construct the national ethnic relationship's framework. The "melting pot theory", is not in contrast against "muhiculturalism" as a symbol of racism and assimilation as many of us has misread over time, but a policy mechanism in present tense, and works toward the same social goal as multicuhuralism does. The consistence of the two theories are ignored. In short, the two theories share the same values as tolerance, respect and non- bias towards the other cultures. 关键词:熔炉论;同化;美国化;多元文化主义; 中图分类号:C956 (责任编辑:admin) |