内容摘要: 随着中国经济的发展以及中国与东盟合作的深入,来华留学的东南亚华裔青少年不断增多。究竟是什么因素促成他们留学中国?华裔学生与非华裔学生来华留学的动因是否有区别?通过对两广地区15所院校的东南亚留学生的问卷调查,我们发现,与非华裔学生相似,东南亚华裔学生来华留学的动因也是多重的、理性的,而中国经济迅速增长所带来的个人事业发展机会则是吸引他们的最重要的因素。 Abstract: With the rapid economic development of China and the cooperation in depth between China and ASEAN, more and more ethnic Chinese young people come to China for studying. Why do they come to China for studying? Are their motives to China any different from the non- Chinese origin? Basing on the data from sampling survey and field research in 15 colleges of Guangdong and Guangxi , this paper finds that all the students from Southeastern Asia to China have multiple motives basing on the rational consideration. The most important motive is to get future career opportunities in China because of the rapid development. 关键词:东南亚华裔学生;来华留学;中华文化认同; 中图分类号:G749.8 (责任编辑:admin) |