内容摘要: 在处理与海外韩人的关系中,韩国采取“实用的利益主义”原则,实施“包容”与“区隔”的策略。根据对不同国度中海外韩人的“阶层想象”,韩国政府对发达国家中的海外韩人采取“积极包容”的政策,对发展中国家中的海外韩人则施行“外国劳动力引进”政策。这说明,所谓的“同胞”并不是简单的“血统”概念,他还关系到一个“阶层”的概念。韩国有关海外韩人的政策并没得到国民的普遍支持,因而动摇了政府进一步推进本国海外韩人政策的意志。 Abstract: In dealing with the affairs of the government employed "inclusive" and "segmentation" overseas .Koreans, strategy at the same the South Korean time, based on the "pragmatic and profitable" principle. According to the "class imagination" of them in different area, the government take a " positive tolerance" policy to the overseas Koreans in the developed countries while an " introduction of foreign labor force " one to the developing countries. This phenomenon shows that the so- called " compatriot " not only relates to "parentage", but also concerns about the social "hierarchy". Such policy does not receive a universal support by South Korean people, hence shakes the will of the government as to further implement it. 关键词:韩国;海外移民;海外韩人;包容;区隔; 中图分类号:D733.263.8 (责任编辑:admin) |