内容摘要: 14世纪中后期,伴随“光复运动”的推进和对犹太人基督教化的开展,西班牙掀起一股反犹浪潮,导致犹太社团崩塌,犹太人大规模皈依天主教,具有天主教徒和犹太教徒双重身份的马兰诺随之出现。面对反犹迫害的巨大压力,马兰诺在正在形成的西班牙民族国家中经历了宗教和社会身份的被动转换,并在整个15世纪不断寻求祖先信仰和新宗教之间的平衡、对自身社会和宗教权益的维护以及对自我身份和群体身份的重新认知。 Abstract: In the Latter Periods of 14th century, with the propulsion of Recovery Movement and the Christianization of the Jews, a wave of anti-Semitism broke out, resulting in the collapse of the Jewish communities. Large amounts of Jews were forced to convert to Catholic. Marranos appeared with dual identity of Catholic and Judaism from then on. Under the great pressure of anti-Semitic persecution, Marranos experienced religious conversion and the passive transformation of religion and social identities in the construction of Spanish nation- state. Meanwhile, they had been seeking maintenance of their social and religious identity in the entire 15th. a balance between Judaism and Catholic, and the interests and the recognition of personal and group 关键词:西班牙;马兰诺;光复运动;权益维护;身份认同; 中图分类号:B976.1 (责任编辑:admin) |