内容摘要: 社会进步难以完全摆脱冲突与战争,但是更离不开社会单元的互助合作。图们江区域合作开发经过十几年的实践,虽然取得了一些成就,但与当初设想相差较远。本文试图从民族关系的角度探讨图们江的区域合作,以期为相关问题的解决提供点滴借鉴。通过分析图们江区域区情、民族构成和民族关系的特点,探讨该地区的民族关系对区域合作现状的影响,进而提出解决问题的路径。 Abstract: Confrontation and warfare are inevitable in social development whereas social progresses make their paths more through collaboration among social units. Over more than ten years'mutual development in Tumen river area, there are certain accomplishments but still far beyond what assumed it should achieve in the blueprint of the area development planning. This paper intends to provide suggestions and solutions for the Tumen river area development cooperation based on the analysis of concerning issues such as the area circumstance, national components and relations. 关键词:民族关系;地区合作;东北亚;图们江;区域开发; 中图分类号:C95-05 (责任编辑:admin) |