内容摘要: 冷战结束以来,以“大地之子”为主要口号的土著话语在众多非洲国家兴起。具体表现是程度不同的仇外、排外事件,甚至是大规模的暴力冲突,成为当代非洲民族主义演进的重要趋势之一。土著话语是在经济全球化和政治自由化背景下出现的,与非洲国家中的新恩庇主义的崩溃、年轻人和其他社会群体的边缘化密切相关。土著话语的特征是排外而非包容的,因而严重影响到非洲民族国家的建构进程。 Abstract: Since the end of Cold War, Autochthony discourse, with the main slogan "son of the soil", has caused xenophobia incidents and even massive violent conflicts in many African countries. The rising of autochthony is under the background of economic globalization and political liberalization, which is also closely connected with the breakdown of neopatrimonalism and the marginalization of the youth and other social groups. Autochthony is basically a hollow notion, which is characterized by exclusiveness and emptiness. With the rose of autochthony, the citizenship issue in many African countries was locked into completely exclusive discourse, and the nation building was also impeded. 关键词:非洲;土著话语;大地之子;公民身份; 中图分类号:D740.22 (责任编辑:admin) |